Stop Smoking with Natural Herbs

by Chelsea Aubin - Date: 2006-12-06 - Word Count: 445 Share This!

Is it really possible to stop smoking with natural herbs?

One of the first thoughts for many individuals that are trying to quit smoking is to immediately try a range of medications. These can vary from simple nicotine gums all the way to anti-depressant prescriptions for heavy smokers who just can not seem to cope with stress caused by not smoking.

What is often overlooked however, is the effective natural herb options that are available. Herbs have been proven extremely effective in many cases as single solutions to helping someone to stop smoking or can also be very effective working in conjunction with other treatments.

There is no clear cut winner as to whether or not herbs are more effective then other treatments, the one clear and obvious advantage however is being 100% natural.

Lobelia: The Lobelia plant contains Lobeline which is a nicotine like substance and replaces nicotine without causing the addiction nicotine causes. The beneficial outcome is you have a supplement that will fill the craving that nicotine causes but you will not have any withdrawl symptoms.

This herb is very strong and as such you need to be careful as to your dosage. When you first start with this herb, you may take a larger dose and than slowly reduce it until you cravings are gone and then you can stop completely. Lobelia is available in gums, pills, and inhalers but even though this is only a herb you still need to ensure that you consult with your doctor before you start with it.

There are other stop smoking natural herbs that can effectively ease the smoking cessation process. The majorities of them are not directly related to smoking cessation but they can very effectively help the withdrawal symptoms. The Mimosa herb can help with nervousness, anxiety, headaches and is also often used instead of anti-depressant pills.

Some stop smoking natural herbs are meant to help your habits not only your body such as herbal cigarettes which contain Indian Tobacco. Indian Tobacco has a similar taste to normal Tobacco but it does not contain any nicotine. Smokers can have these instead of nicotine filled ones until they have rid themselves of the habit and you can be comfortable that the poisonous substances found in regular cigarettes are not there.

A third type of natural herb that helps you stop smoking is Mullein, Horehound and Coltsfoot. These are very different then the other herbs as these herbs are not meant to subside the cravings of nicotine but instead they induce coughing which helps clean out the lungs.

There are many other options to help you stop smoking with natural herbs but as stated previously, always check with your health care professional first.

Related Tags: stop smoking, natural herbs, stop smoking with natural herbs

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