Loops: Language Patterns For Persuasion

by Kenrick Cleveland - Date: 2007-09-20 - Word Count: 458 Share This!

Persuasion is made up of a lot of ingredients and one of the most powerful techniques is the language pattern. The temporal pattern loop is one of my favorites.

When we open loops in the minds of our prospects, it creates a tiny vacuum that the prospect really wants to have filled.

In order to understand open loops, there are three important things to know: The first is, people need to have closure, a definitive answer, a yes or a no.

"I'll need to think it over," is a common open loop that a prospect use (unaware) with sales people. In sales, we either want it to happen or we want it to end. Either yes or no. Don't tell me you need to think about it.

The second thing you need to know about open loops is that when your prospect doesn't get that closure, their potential to respond increases.

So now you know all there is to know about open loops.

Hey, didn't I say that there were three things you needed to know about open loops? Yup. And, yet, I only gave you two things. How did that feel? Frustrating?

Simply put: People need closure and if they don't get it, it increases their response potential.

So are you still asking yourself what the third thing is. .. well, there isn't a third thing.

By leaving that open loop, leaving number three blank, I have piqued your interest (hopefully).

Loops. . . use them, and keep them open, and you'll watch your sales skyrocket.

If you consider a topic that you are really well versed in. . .say it's the Civil War and there isn't anything you don't know about the Civil War, you've learned all there is to know.

Now say that someone was giving a lecture or teaching a class on the Civil War and claimed to have new information. But that's not possible, you think to yourself. You already know EVERYTHING there is to know. . . Well, sadly all of your loops regarding this particular subject are closed.

When you leave an open loop people want to sit forward and figure out what they're missing. What didn't you tell them? When I mentioned 'three powerful things about open loop patterns' and only told you two of them, many people reading this were anxious as heck wanting to know the third.

Maybe you weren't paying too much attention. If not, the open loop didn't have that sort of effect on your conscious mind. Even so, it did have an effect on your other than conscious mind.

Opening loops and not closing them gives people the impression that they're not finished, that they don't have complete knowledge about something which is good for you. If they know all there is to know they oftentimes go away as there's no reason for them to stay.

Related Tags: persuasion, persuading the affluent, persuasive sales, persuasive selling, covert persuasion techniques

Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of affluent clients using persuasion. He runs public and private seminars, offers home study courses and coaching programs in persuasion strategies. Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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