Seven Little Known Backyard Gardening Tips
You only in need two things- determination and know-how, to make a simple yet well-maintained garden in a yard. These are some tips on how to keep your garden by the yard looking glamorous and spruced up.
1. Deadheading
Always remember to keep your garden free from dried leaves and wilted flowers. Removing dead flower heads or deadheading will encourage the plants to bloom for a longer period of time. Some annual plants and many perennials like Dahlias and Geraniums, benefit from having spent blooms removed.
2. Pinch out tops
Foliage plants like Coleus and many different types of plants respond with a burst in growth when their tops are pinched. You can make the plants much more bushier and make them bloom by pinching out the top. Plants like Fuchsias become leggy unless you pinch them put.
3. Fertilize lightly
If you want a boost in your vegetation then you can add minimum amount of fertilizer. You need to fertilize your garden frequently because the nutrients may wash away if you fertilize your garden frequently. Liquid fertilizer that has been applied fortnightly has been found to be more beneficial than granules as the leaves readily absorb it. If you regularly apply a half strength solution of liquid fertilizer to container plants then they will become considerably healthier.
4. Weed out
Weeding is one of the best ways to preserve the beauty of your garden. Always remember that weeds compete with your garden for nutrients and moisture. You can also leave the weeds down to mulch if they are not close to seeding. Rather than using a spray you can use a wick applicator for applying your weedicide, this will also protect your plants from the spray drift.
5. Water them well
A good tip is to give your garden a thorough soaking once every week. However, to prevent erosion make sure there is no run off. The growth of deeper roots will be encouraged with deep watering. This will also help the plant to withstand dry spells.
6. Say no to chemicals
Try to avoid chemicals as much as you can. These are not only harmful for humans but also kill the predators of pest in your gardens. There are many organic alternatives, which work as well as the chemicals ones.
Your garden will soon become the envy of your neighbors if you follow these simple tips.
Related Tags: plants, flowers, outdoors, organic gardening, gardening tips, indoor gardening
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