Make Your Jewels Sparkle

by Roberto Sedycias - Date: 2010-09-29 - Word Count: 533 Share This!

Sometimes a jewel will give you some cleaning kits loaded with ammonia that you dunk your piece into and experience a clean and sparkly effect. But others use steam cleaners or ultrasonic cleaners that help clean it even more efficiently and faster. At home, you can clean your jewelry by soaking it in ammonia based solutions or even in detergent and warm water, but these methods can sometimes damage your jewelry more than clean it. Even ultrasonic cleaners can remove the top layer of jewelry, as many jewels have a top layer of something that protects something that is not necessarily a high quality piece of jewelry. Thus, reserve that for your real jewels and diamonds in order to protect your most precious pieces.

Before using an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner, be sure to make sure there are no loose stones because when you put them into the machines, there is a great chance they will rattle and shake loose and you will never see them again. Also, if your ring has a stone that is glued on, which should not be the case for high quality diamonds, then be sure to keep it away from the cleaner as it will suck it right off the ring.

There are ways you can prevent having to clean your jewelry too often. Keep it in its original box whenever you don't wear it and when you do, clean it with warm water and polish it with a toothbrush. Using some smooth cloth, polish it free of all tarnishes and make sure to keep it far from chemicals and perfumes, as this could cause it to change color or become damaged. If you are doing hard laborious work, don't wear your jewelry and you will save it from becoming dirty.

However, it is inevitable that after time, jewelry becomes dirty and with the ultrasonic cleaning system, it can remove these tarnishes by using ultrasound waves and chemicals and form bubbles which stick to all particles of dirt and oil. These high frequency waves pull off all these dirty agents from your jewels and then the bubbles collapse and move to the surface. Then, you remove your piece of jewelry and find that it looks almost just as brilliant and lustrous as it did the day you first bought it. All of the dirt will disappear leaving you with a stunning piece of jewelry. These systems are great for multiple uses as they can be kept. Jewelers have professional ones but you can buy ones for your home, too, for fairly affordable prices.

Many polishes can also do the trick, for example, ionic jewelry cleaners have a solution that works hard to clean dirt particles off jewelry and leave it looking shiny and new. These solutions can contain ammonia and often require you to dip your jewelry into the solution for some amount of time and then take it out again so that it is polished and glowing with a shiny veneer.

Taking your jewelry for an annual cleaning, whether to a jeweler, or in some system at your own house is important in making your diamonds really last forever and maintain that beautiful and perfect look that withstands all time and aging.

Related Tags: jewelry, jewel

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