Pets, Cruelty To Animals By Children

by NET BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL - Date: 2008-07-04 - Word Count: 388 Share This!

For years, psychiatrists have studied the link between cruelty to animals and that of sociopaths. Jeffrey Dahamer liked to cut off the heads of the animals he tortured and put them on stakes. This is a real issue and concerned parents should get help for their children if they notice them perpetrating any kind of harm upon animals. More than likely a child who abuses animals has severe mental issues. The child may appear "good" on the outside, but they may have psychological issues that cannot be dealt with by a non-professional.

With organizations such as the FBI all agreeing that cruelty to animals at a young age is a precursor to serial killing and rape, one should be watchful of how their children treat companion animals, such as dogs and cats. If a child has a mental disorder, then abusing small animals makes them feel as though they have dominance and control. If left unchecked during childhood, then as an adult, this behavior will likely transcend to human victims.

The question of what should one do if they witness a child abusing an animal remains. For one, a person should not simply shrug it off as normal childhood behavior. They should speak with the parents and if it happens again, then they should contact the correct authorities. Animal abuse so many times is seen as not being a serious crime, but it can lead to serious crimes in the future if not taken seriously. Another thing that adults can do in the fight for the prevention of cruelty to animals is to get active in their community and try to make the animal laws and consequences stricter on abusers.

Cruelty to animals by children is a serious issue that many overlook in today's "me" society. If a child will talk about the abuse that is happening to an animal, then more than likely some sort of abuse is happening to that child. Sociopathic behavior can be curtailed if society only knows the warning signs and takes preventative measures. Just as children should be protected, so should the animals of the world.

Mike Selvon has a passion for animal care, and his portal answers your common questions about cruelty to animals. Visit his portal for your free gift and leave a comment at his humane society blog.

Related Tags: animals, cruelty to animals, humane society, the link between cruelty to animals and sociopaths

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