Lead Generation And The Free Report: What Should It Really Contain?
The first part is running an ad, article, or some kind of advertising or direct response marketing piece, that gets the attention of the readers and gets them to take action. Actions like going to your website or calling your 800 number.
The second part is a response mechanism that captures the contact information of the prospect.
If it is online, you will be using an autoresponder to capture the contact information and if it is offline, you should be using an 800 number with a recorded message.
So, why would someone raise their hand and say they are interested in your offer and give your their personal information so that you can contact them? Because you are going to make them an irresistable offer for a free gift on a topic that they are interested in. It should be something of value, that is of interest to the reader, and that is very closely related to your product or service.
This way you get interested, motivated prospects to single themselves out and say that they are interested in what you have to offer. And because the gift is free, it is a riskless action for your potential prospect to take.
The best free gift that you can offer them is free information. It could be a report, cd, DVD, or any other type of information.
Once this contact information is captured, you have now generated a lead.
So, how do you turn that free information into an increase in sales?
By making it valuable information that makes the reader Desire your product.
It should snatch attention, escalate interest, create on-fire desire, cause snappin' action, and educate your readers about your product or service, and why they should do business with you.
**Tip** The report (free information) should be delivered editorial style. Editorial style writing is proven to increase response and allows you to get behind the defenses of the reader.
When your prospects are done digesting your information, they should want your product so badly, that they should be racing to order it or find out more about your product.
To sum this up, your free report should contain information that is so compelling that it creates a great burning desire for your product in those that read it. Afterall, that is the simple definition of marketing. Creating desire for your product.
Your free report is a marketing piece, written editorial stlye, with a great headline.
So, go write some direct response marketing ads, that give away free information, the free information should cause a can't-do-without desire for your product, follow up over and over, and you will increase sales and profits instantly.
Kenneth Edwards co-founder of KE2 Global, "Anybody Can Start A Business, But Very Few Can Turn It Into A Business That Brings In A Steady, Predictable Cash Flow Every Month." Free Report: Increase Sales With Lead Generation & Direct Response Marketing
Related Tags: increase sales, lead generation, direct response marketing
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