
  • grandchildren
  • grandma
  • grandparents
  • granite
  • granite colors
  • granite countertops
  • granite tiles
  • grant
  • grant for education
  • grant money
  • grants
  • grape
  • grapes
  • graphic
  • graphic design
  • graphic designer
  • graphics
  • graphics design
  • graphology
  • grass
  • grateful
  • gratitude
  • graves
  • gravity
  • grease
  • great
  • great britain
  • great dane
  • great dane training
  • great danes
  • great depression
  • great sex
  • great skin
  • great universal
  • greatest
  • greatness
  • greece
  • greed
  • greek
  • green
  • green building
  • grateful

    • 1.

      The Secret of Gratitude and Forgiveness

      by Gregory Hand - 2006-12-18
      There are two exciting, untapped powers in the universe that are at everyone's disposal. They are gratitude and forgiveness. They are both powers that allow you to restructure your relationship to the...
    • 2.

      Resolutions vs. Re-Solutions

      by Lynn Moore - 2007-01-11
      This seems to be the time of year when we most want to make changes. And traditionally we do this in the form of New Year's resolutions. I'll let you in on a little secret....I hate New Year's resolut...
    • 3.

      Your Team Members Don't Have To Be Perfect

      by Mike Marino Marino, Jr. - 2007-02-14
      I would like to say that, the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. I believe everyone wants to constantly improve. I believe each one of us is created as perfection; however, the res...
    • 4.

      I'm A Doctor!

      by Mike Marino, Jr. - 2007-02-28
      My doctor had passed away and I needed a new one. A friend told me about a local clinic. I went there to see a doctor about a persistent cough. In the examination room, I sat patiently until a lady c...
    • 5.

      The Secret of the Thankful Heart

      by Gregory Hand - 2007-04-02
      So many times a door in life closes and we become angry, cursing our fate. We lose a job, our girlfriend or boyfriend leaves us, our house is virtually destroyed in a storm and we have to move. To The...
    • 6.

      When My Ship Comes In

      by Michael A. Verdicchio - 2007-04-24
      Have you ever heard the expression, "I'm waiting for my ship to come in?" People say this hoping that someday and somehow, something really wonderful is going to happen that will forever change their...
    • 7.

      Three Secrets to Assure Success in Anything

      by Gail Juliano - 2007-04-27
      Gratitude, Goal, ActionIn all conditions, whether of a financial, health, relationship or emotional nature, there are three simple things and easy things you can use immediately to heal and change the...
    • 8.

      The Men Of My Dreams- A Father's Day Tribute

      by Angel C. Hale - 2007-06-17
      "You are my special Angel, sent from up above…" my Dad, Steve Hale, sings as my little four-year-old cheeks turn flush with embarrassment and I run for the nearest table to climb under and hide. Frien...
    • 9.

      How Long Does it Take to Manifest Something?

      by Anisa Aven - 2007-07-03
      How long do you work on a project? Until it's manifested? Until it's a definite belief? (21 days?) There are three answers to question: 1) Ask One Time 2) It Depends 3) As Long as It TakesThe Univers...
    • 10.

      Be Thankful for Victory

      by Joyce Averils - 2007-07-26
      But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you.1 Corinthians 15:57-58a Being thankful means having a g...