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by Kathy Gates - 2007-02-12
If you're stuck in the belief that happiness depends on what happens outside of yourself, you're in for a very long wait. If you're stuck in the belief that a happy relationship depends on "him/her" ...
by Vinod Kumar - 2007-02-12
There are a lot of misconceptions floating around out there about what it takes to meet and attract your soul mate - that special man or woman to share your life and dreams with. Unlike what Hollywood...
by Amjath Ambi - 2007-02-10
Snuggled along San Francisco Bay, the Bay Area boasts of one of the supreme natural harbor in the world, which covers area of around 450 square miles. San Francisco Bay Area gives the only genuine bre...
by Faith Stewart - 2007-02-10
People feel the need to lie all the time. People pretend to be happy because nobody likes when a person is real. Everybody claims they like a real person but they like the opposite. Sometimes they say...
by Moriah Shemer - 2007-02-10
Since their introduction to North America in the 1930s, soybeans have slowly but surely made their way into our lives and our stomachs. However, scientists still work to uncover the mysteries of this ...
by Moriah Shemer - 2007-02-10
Every spring, North Americans gear up their grill, stock up on the meat and prepare for many mouth-watering barbecues. But how much do we really know about the art of barbecuing? From the familiar pas...
by Malcolm Evans - 2007-02-08
Many dieters are like drug addicts – their next go is definitely going to be their last but somehow it never is. Increasing amounts of research indicate that dieting is more often a cont...
by Samuel Oliver - 2007-02-08
Hide and Seek is a wonderful game to play with your children. The next time you play this game observe what happens. If you are the person hiding your eyes and counting to 10, feel what happens to you...
by Hilda Carroll - 2007-02-08
The North Star is a fixed point used by mariners and explorers to figure out which direction they're headed in. According to coach and author Martha Beck, each of us has our own North Star, which is t...
by Hilda Carroll - 2007-02-08
Do you not believe you can have what you want? Well, beliefs aren't facts, and the truth is that you can have what you want, but whether or not you will have what you want is dependent (probably) on m...
by Petra Kuhrmann - 2007-02-07
The quality of your life depends on how happy you are. Do you have that "happy go lucky" attitude? If not what attitude could make you happy?The best human attitude I found is this:"People are unreaso...
by Margrit Harris - 2007-02-07
"I used to be able to make people happy!" He said with fresh tears. This depressed young man across from me described himself as a selfless person who loves to serve. Who loves to give of himself to...
by Aura Wright - 2007-02-07
by Rich MacKenzie - 2007-02-05
Well… my last article titled "Lets Start a War: A War of Kindness!" went down a treat and we received numerous amounts of emails with great feedback, so I have decided to continue along the same theme...
by G.B. Singh - 2007-02-04
How to be healthy is that million dollar question which must be answered if humanity really wants to start enjoying living life on earth. Why are we not? Why are we not content with what we have?It do...
by lazar Stalin - 2007-02-03
Hair sample drug testing is a great way to detect whether or not a person has used drugs in the past 90 days. Whether in an office format or in the home, hair drug testing serves the purpose of answer...
by lazar Stalin - 2007-02-03
While alcohol consumption is considered to be a recreational activity for adults, it can carry with it potential health hazards including dependence, addiction, liver damage and all kinds of dif...
by lazar Stalin - 2007-02-03
What is PCP, exactly? While developed during the 50’s to be used as anesthesia, phencyclidine, or PCP, has never made it to the market for human use. Due to the erratic side effects, it was deem...
by lazar Stalin - 2007-02-03
Smoking is a health hazard, to both those who smoke and those who are exposed to secondhand fumes. Due to this hazard, many companies have begun to test their employees for nicotine via nicotine drug ...
by lazar Stalin - 2007-02-03
Marijuana is an illicit substance taken most often by means of smoking. A cigarette rolled with marijuana is called a joint. A cigar rolled with marijuana is called a blunt. The drug can also be smoke...