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by J Herren - 2010-09-05
Sarah Palin has obviously struck a chord with a large swath of the American people, and the obvious question that comes up is...."Will She run"? I have a feeling she won't run but will be campaigning ...
by Bruno Korschek - 2010-06-24
Recent news stories remind me of an old Sunday Peanuts comic strip. Snoopy is out jogging one day when his knees start to complain about the punishment they are taking from the jog. The feet then chim...
by Tr Cojoc - 2010-05-17
I worked in the electronics industry in various management positions expanding over 35 years. The last 20 years things have changed, for the worst. Government regulations and taxes have forced manufac...
by Bruno Korschek - 2010-05-04
A recent article in the St. Petersburg Times by Robert Trigaux reminded me of this grand old saying: "Commitment Vs. Involvement: In An Egg and Ham Sandwich, The Chicken Is Involved But the Pig Is Com...
by Athleanlhq - 2010-03-25
Remember that song, "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me"? Catchy tune, funny lyrics, sung by beautiful women. Yeah, that's the one. I remember the first time I saw the video, I thought, I ...
by A. Sanford - 2010-03-14
When the boys got together in the 1700's to put America together, they looked back at the littered landscape of empires that went the way of the dinosaurs, and wrote into the Constitution what they ho...
by Andy Carloff - 2009-12-26
"Very often the idler is but a man to whom it is repugnant to make all his life the eighteenth part of a pin, or the hundredth part of a watch, while he feels he has exuberant energy which he would li...
by Andy Carloff - 2009-11-03
"The worker cannot rise as a worker without joining in unity with other workers and helping all. This mutual dependence of worker upon worker, taught them by their everyday experiences in the shop, is...
by Rev. Michael Bresciani - 2009-10-26
President Obama's persistence in singling Fox News out for scoffing and scolding has generated more disbelief than relief for most Americans. It is hard for anyone to imagine a President using the adv...
by Andy Carloff - 2009-08-17
"If society be held desirable, it surely must be free, equal, and reciprocal society, where benefits are conferred as well as received, and not such as the dependent finds with his patron or the poor ...
by Dane Smith - 2009-05-25
Campaign posters and early voting signs have proliferated along the roads like wildflowers lately as Austin prepares to elect a new mayor and city council. Voter turnout for municipal elections across...
by NotYourDaddy - 2009-04-02
This past week, the Federal Reserve announced that it's going to buy $300 billion worth of long-term Treasury bills over the next six months, and $750 billion of mortgage-backed securities, to try to ...
by DB Coach1 - 2009-03-05
I have been thinking about the past presidential election now that it's a done deal and came away with these thoughts.During the campaign, all the headlines either for or against the current president...
by Charles Edmund Coyote - 2009-02-21
George W. Bush associated the title of his 1999 autobiography, A Charge to Keep, with a favorite work of art loaned to him by a childhood friend, Joseph I. O'Neill III, shortly after his inauguration ...
by NotYourDaddy - 2008-12-10
There's not a lot of nostalgia for the Great Depression but, if we'd retained some of the values from that era, we might not be careening toward another one now. The Great Depression followed hard on ...
by Sam Vaknin - 2008-12-09
The current global financial crisis should have been the European Union's finest hour. The countries comprising this much coveted club could have joined to battle the waves of bank failures, industria...
by Sam Vaknin - 2008-12-09
Imagine the following:In a bad neighborhood, plagued by outbursts of violent crime, one of the neighbors is wealthy and middle aged. Let us call him Mr. Greece. His property borders on the ramshackle ...
by Rev. Michael Bresciani - 2008-11-21
The only actual recourse to the all new liberal administration comes from conventional wisdom. We will call it the 'off and on' approach here but make no mistake this doesn't mean you can be off and o...
by Digital Publius - 2008-11-15
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.Psalm 118:8Well I hate to say I told you so... It seems that the Troika is planning to hit the ground running. I must admit; even though...
by real estate articles - 2008-11-12
After a nail-biting, emotionally-draining year of watching what some people call the most gripping election campaign of modern times, the election now comes down to the opinion of the much-touted unde...