Got a Mystery Cell Number? Phone Reverse Lookups Can Find the Owner

by Gary Mathers - Date: 2008-10-10 - Word Count: 328 Share This!

With a land line phone number you have no problems finding the owner of it by using the white or yellow pages which have a reverse lookup service. Is a cell number phone reverse search possible online or is it just a hoax though?

The answer as you may have guessed from the title of this article is yes, you can find the details of who owns a cell phone number but it is a little more complicated than with other numbers because cell number are not a part of the public domain unlike home phones and land lines.

This means there is no central authority that can release all cell phone numbers and details to people wanting to compile a reverse cell phone directory. This does not mean they do not exist though! Instead those that compile cell directories buy this information from companies and search the internet for details which is legal but expensive and time consuming.

This means that there are two types of reverse cell phone lookups: Free and paid.

Free directories have not put in the time and effort to make a good complete database of cell phone numbers and often will take your email address, personal details and your own cell number and then sell them to other people! For this you get a small chance of getting the information you need.

A paid alternative can charge you a small fee for a one off search for a slightly larger fee for a long term membership that allows you unlimited searched for whenever you need it (or your friends of family might need it). These companies have spent time and money to create complete and detailed databases that offer money back guarantees if you do not find what you are looking for.

So if you need to know who is behind that mystery cell phone number click below to trial one of the best reverse cell phone directories on the internet.

Related Tags: reverse cell phone, reverse cell phone directory, cell number phone reverse, reverse cell lookup

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