Eliminate the Myths and Create Wealth Through Cash Gifting

by Michael J Kohn - Date: 2008-08-15 - Word Count: 732 Share This!

What is the essence of separation between the rich and the not so rich? Have you ever given any thought to the simple myths that may keep you from achieving wealth, or for that matter anything else you may desire in life, in your work at home business? You could be involved in any home based business opportunity, MLM, travel opportunity or cash gifting program and you just don't see yourself as being able to achieve that 6 or 7 figure income the heavy hitters tout as so easy and that you desire.

Two important quotes to remember and apply from Harold S Geneen; the businessman who led ITT, are "We must not be hampered by yesterday's myths in concentrating on today's needs." and "You can't run a business or anything else on a theory." With those quotes in mind let's explore some of those myths that some hold onto so dearly.

First Myth: You need the right education to make a fortune.
Have you ever thought to ask a renowned professor what he or she made in salary? Most are highly educated, but not all that wealthy. Formal education does not equate to wealth or performance in anything that you do. A strong vision and direction with a conversion of knowledge will lead to desired wealth.

Second Myth: I don't have enough money to start doing anything.
Sounds a bit like an excuse, doesn't it? Business empires that are worth billions of dollars today have been started in a basement or the garage out back. Don't get me wrong. Some "seed money" can be helpful, but desire and effort will go a long way toward success.

Third Myth: I'll start next week when I have a clearer picture.
There's an old saying; the more I learn, the more I see that I still need to learn more. Take action today, don't wait for tomorrow, it may never come. Opportunity passes us by every day. You need to first see the opportunity and then seize it and make it your captive.

Forth Myth: Making money used to be a lot easier.
If we go back 15 years history will show, that with the advent of the high tech world we live in, there have been more millionaires made during that time period than in all of previous history. More and more business opportunities become available everyday.

Fifth Myth: I'm to young/old to start now.
Poppy Cock I Say! Now that makes me sound old, doesn't it? Truth is you are never to young or old to start making your fortune. How old was Bill Gates when he started Microsoft? Twenty? How about Ray Kroc when he started McDonalds? Fifty? You get the picture!

Sixth Myth: You need to get in the right business to build wealth.
This one should be easy. If there was a "right business" to make your fortune, well then everyone would be in that "right business". It is much more a matter of vision for success than the optimum business. Remember most widgets have been developed with a single thought to get the process rolling.

Seventh Myth: Never make money on what you enjoy doing.
Most people that have developed wealth continue to do what they do. Why you may ask? Because they enjoy what they do. They take satisfaction in what they do and enjoy the challenge. If you can make money at what you enjoy doing it really feels like you never have to work.

Eighth Myth: How much you can make depends entirely on how hard you work.
Have you ever watched a longshoreman working on the dock on a 90 degree day with 100% humidity? He/she is working hard is a fair assessment. No matter how hard they work, they still get the same pay. Working hard does not always equate to creating wealth.

We all have within us an under or undeveloped and undiscovered millionaire, waiting within to tear free of our own restraints, to be freed of doubt and pounce on that business opportunity staring us in the face. With that in mind take a minute or two and memorize this simple saying: If I do today what I did yesterday, will I be where I want to be tomorrow? If you can say yes when you repeat that simple phrase you are well on your way to financial freedom. Stay focused, positive and always, above all else, keep your dream alive and fresh in your minds eye.

Related Tags: money, wealth, entrepreneur, work from home, home based business, mlm, cash, cash gifting, tocs

Michael Kohn is the president of New Image Marketing Group Inc. With a background of over 25 successful years in sales and marketing he brings a modern and easy to follow approach to direct sales and internet marketing. Please Visit Us At:Masters IncomePassive Millions

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