Misplaced Internship Impacts Career Opportunities!

by Dwane Perry - Date: 2008-07-28 - Word Count: 526 Share This!

Working in a boring summer internship that does not meet your goals or fit your personality is a big mistake and it could happen to you. The best solution to avoid this trap is to find and choose an internship according to your interests and strengths.

Companies with highly sought after job opportunities have discovered the importance of choosing future employees from interns whose work they have experienced. U.S. and international summer internships have increased so dramatically in recent years that in some fields an internship has become a prerequisite for getting a job with that company.

Why is it so important to begin your search and select your internship based on your passions and interests? Because you are more likely to get a job offer from a company where you intern or a similar company. A recent survey pointed out that many top companies offer jobs to more than 90% of their interns! For all companies surveyed 65% of interns were offered full time employment at companies where they had an internship.

When you choose your internship based on your interests and strengths you will be more motivated. You will learn more in your internship if you have an intense interest in the company and the work you are doing. The added benefit is that you will also have a better chance to get those all important "job offers" when the time comes to launch into the your career.

What if you have a lot of different interests and strengths? All the better! In fact motivated prospective interns could be successful in a number of types of internships in different types of organizations. If you are highly motivated and successful, or know you should be, it's a matter of taking a more organized approach to compete with others who are equally or even better qualified than you.

Whether you are seeking a top summer internship with a Fortune 500 company or hoping to find a good internship close to home being organized it the key to success. You will find your search more effective and it will require less of your time. It is the best way to meet internship goals.

So how do you start?

There are excellent resources available if you are one of the multi-talented. If you are less than multi-talented or are truly extremely busy with school and a job, you can still have an advantage, Here's the key to success. You have to PREPARE and have an organized PLAN of attack!

This means you have to commit some time and resources to reach your goals. Some resources are free and some are not. Whether free or not, it will take a little effort to find and understand how to use these tools to your benefit.

Choosing the best internship takes an organized effort. Whether you are seeking a summer internship in New York City or a year abroad in a London internship it's important to focus on your interests and marketable skills and plan your search. You may have to invest resources into your effort but it will help you reach the goal of the year long or summer internship that will help you toward your future career choice.

Related Tags: education, job search, training, study abroad, internships, summer jobs, summer internships, paid internships, how to find internships, us internships, new york city internships, international summer jobs, volunteer abroad, internships abroad

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