Training with Free Weights Will Not Get You Toned

by Foras Aje - Date: 2007-01-06 - Word Count: 390 Share This!

Oh, and Santa Claus DOES exist.

Well, it's safe to say both statements above are false.

One of the most efficient ways of training-at least if the goal is being ripped and pumped with the pecs, abs and guns to show for the efforts-is with the use of free weights.

Hey, it has stood the test of time and is definitely worth its use.

Though I am more into hard-core bodyweight calisthenics (such as Hindu Squats and Push-ups, Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Chair dips, Push ups), combining them and training with free weights would perhaps be the best to REALLY see the results.

Now, even if you were a complete novice to training, you must know that doing some form of aerobic exercise to tone and strengthen the cardiovascular system is something that is of uttermost importance and to this effect, based on some research done on the subject, It is quite important that one does their cardiovascular exercise after weight training.

The reason for this is because glycogen stores are stores of energy that your body uses during training with free weights and cardiovascular exercise. Although, during weight training glycogen stores are the only energy source used.

Thus, completing your cardiovascular routine before weight training will substantially deplete your energy (glycogen) stores needed to complete a proper weight training program.

Now, for the specifics when it comes to incorporating the use of free weights in your training routing, here are some helpful tips to remember:

-As a beginner at weight training routines, it is wise to have a medical check up.

-Always warm-up and stretch prior to your workout, aiming to work within your own limits -

-Perform some kind of cardiovascular exercise for 20-40 minutes AFTER your weight training workout.

-Rest for a full day between your workouts, or alternate the muscle group worked out such as upper body one day, lower body the next.

-Eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Also ensure to keep the following in mind:

* Set your goals

* Set a timeframe for your goals

* Figure out how to meet your goals with an exercise program

* Structure your program

* Maintain your program

So, you want a body like Arnold or the guy on the cover of Men's Health?

Well one sure-fire route of attaining this would be through the tried and true training with free weights.

By using the tips above, you should be well on your way to success.

To Health and 'getting ripped'


Related Tags: free weight training exercises

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Yoga for Beginners Blog today for more information on the best yoga certification program

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