21 Benefices Of Rahu Unplugged
- Date: 2010-10-15 - Word Count: 486
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The name of Rahu first appears in the Mahabharata when we read the story of the churning of the ocean milk in search of Embrosia- the Elixir of immortality known as Amrita in Sanskrit. Rahu and Ketu are two parts of same Danava and are 180 degrees apart from each other. In Astronomy, Rahu is considered the dragon's head which is considered to impart most malefic influence in a chart. This interpretation is nothing but a fear Psychosis among most astrologers which is further vented onto their subjects. The position of the planet in the chart ascertains its positive or negative implications. Times have turned- what was considered terrible in earlier times is seen with pride now. Rahu, if not a benefice, it cannot be placed totally in the carder of malevolence.
This is what Rahu can impart to a native:
1. It is the principle factor in deciding your foreign travel, an evil in earlier times.
2. It greatly enhances the traits of the bhava, where it has been placed.
3. It acts as per the lord of the bhava , where it is placed. If the lord of that chart is good or it is intrinsically good, how can Rahu be bad?
4. It greatly enhances the traits of the planets, it is associated with.
5. It is chief significator for imparting knowledge.
6. It exalts in Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter, which necessarily means that good association can bring good changes in him.
7. A sudden change in fortunes of a native can only be attributed to Rahu, which clearly indicates that Rahu believes in creating equality among people by elevating them from scratch to top and vice versa.
8. This planet does not have a physical presence but is a node or a shadow. The role of the shadow was not brought out of the text in right scenes and it was termed as bad. In the modern world every thing may be a satellite, a TV, telephonic communication, Internet etc all run on shadow or the thing which cannot be seen i.e magnetic, electromagnetic waves. Are these bad? No it is the other way round. They are of great importance to us.
9. Rahu creates a revolutionary.
10. Rahu imparts extreme intuitive intellect.
11. Rahu is a great schemer and an extraordinary plotter.
12. Rahu has a diplomatic nature.
13. Rahu is a planet governing creativity and inspiration.
14. The phenomenon of entertainment through video and computer is associated with Rahu.
15. Fluency in foreign language and profit from foreign land is associated with Rahu.
16. Rahu represents an energy that tries to establish harmony among the various races and allows for their free intermingling
17. Rahu represents all types of flying machines.
18. Rahu represents the detective who pursues the criminal.
19. Contrary to belief, it has a power to even strengthen the lunar forces.
20. Make people futuristic and the ability to forget about the past and think about the future.
21. Rahu is the originator of the plastic age.
The above points clearly depict that Rahu can have benefice tendencies if correctly understood and treated with caution
This is what Rahu can impart to a native:
1. It is the principle factor in deciding your foreign travel, an evil in earlier times.
2. It greatly enhances the traits of the bhava, where it has been placed.
3. It acts as per the lord of the bhava , where it is placed. If the lord of that chart is good or it is intrinsically good, how can Rahu be bad?
4. It greatly enhances the traits of the planets, it is associated with.
5. It is chief significator for imparting knowledge.
6. It exalts in Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter, which necessarily means that good association can bring good changes in him.
7. A sudden change in fortunes of a native can only be attributed to Rahu, which clearly indicates that Rahu believes in creating equality among people by elevating them from scratch to top and vice versa.
8. This planet does not have a physical presence but is a node or a shadow. The role of the shadow was not brought out of the text in right scenes and it was termed as bad. In the modern world every thing may be a satellite, a TV, telephonic communication, Internet etc all run on shadow or the thing which cannot be seen i.e magnetic, electromagnetic waves. Are these bad? No it is the other way round. They are of great importance to us.
9. Rahu creates a revolutionary.
10. Rahu imparts extreme intuitive intellect.
11. Rahu is a great schemer and an extraordinary plotter.
12. Rahu has a diplomatic nature.
13. Rahu is a planet governing creativity and inspiration.
14. The phenomenon of entertainment through video and computer is associated with Rahu.
15. Fluency in foreign language and profit from foreign land is associated with Rahu.
16. Rahu represents an energy that tries to establish harmony among the various races and allows for their free intermingling
17. Rahu represents all types of flying machines.
18. Rahu represents the detective who pursues the criminal.
19. Contrary to belief, it has a power to even strengthen the lunar forces.
20. Make people futuristic and the ability to forget about the past and think about the future.
21. Rahu is the originator of the plastic age.
The above points clearly depict that Rahu can have benefice tendencies if correctly understood and treated with caution
Related Tags: rahu and ketu, rahu ketu astrology, remedies rahu ketu
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