Color - The Many Ways It Affects Our Lives.

by Janet Wood - Date: 2006-12-28 - Word Count: 450 Share This!

Color, it is everywhere in our lives.

But how can we work with it, use it, and apply it in our lives.

We all know the story about red cars and that they irritate others on the roads that is why they have higher insurance rates. To most of us red is an irritating color when it is on a car.

There are seven major colors in our lives. The seven major colors are as follows.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

They are related to seven major energy centers in the body, those centers are called chakras, rotating wheels of energy.

Color plays a very important part in our lives.

For instance if you were served a plate of food for dinner and it was served to you like this, on a white plate, you have, white rice, white fish fillets, and cauliflower, with no cheese sauce, all white all on the same plate would you eat it?

Probably, but would you enjoy it? You would not enjoy it very much.

Here is a basic chart to look over for colors and what they do,

Red: In it's positive aspects red is associated with creativity, ambition, leadership and drive. Its negative tendencies are a fiery temper, intolerance, animal passions, cruelty and destructiveness. Red is creation or its opposite.

Orange: Positively manifested, orange indicates a sunny temperament, energy, warmheartedness and consideration. Negatively, orange is lazy, self-indulgent, immoderate and reliant on others. Orange is activity or inactivity.

Yellow: The higher aspects of yellow indicate high aspirations, broadmindedness, a philosophical outlook and a philanthropic turn. Its lower aspects include selfishness, craftiness, cowardice and ignorance. Yellow is expansion or regression.

Green: Green's higher octave embodies harmony, stability, practicality and a sensible outlook. The lower levels are such things as miserliness, materialism, greed and tyranny. Green is balance or instability.

Blue: The positive powers of blue are loyalty, intelligence, an artistic temperament and refinement. The negative manifestations are coldness, snobbishness, cunning and conceit. Blue is intelligence or ignorance.

Indigo: The nobler aspects of indigo are service to humanity, inspiration and faith. The baser qualities include self- righteousness, fanaticism, disloyalty and self-deception. Indigo is either wisdom or folly.

Violet: This color, positively, indicates selflessness, mystic potential, love of mankind and creativity. Negatively, it shows spite, cunning, scheming for power and destructiveness. The positive aspect is intuition the negative is dogmatism.

What do you feel like when you wear different colors? What do you feel like on a bright, cloudy, dark, dreary, dull, sunny, rainy etc, days,

Get a notebook and write in it what your favorite color is and how you feel color affects your life, what color of food you like, what your favorite color is for clothes. Become aware of how color affects you in your life. Until next time.

Related Tags: orange, red, color, green, yellow, blue, chakras, indigo, violet

Janet Prince

Janet Prince is a Spiritual & Creative Life Path Coach, working with people for over 30 years and Assisting in Developing, their Vision, Inspiration, Authentic Self

Alternative/Natural Health Consultant/Instructor ...Writer, Poet, Artist,

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