You Don't Need a Vacation to Eliminate Stress!
Think about it! How many of your vacations actually added more stress in the planning, or as soon as you came back home back to reality? None of your problems were gone, and you were left with the realization that you spent the rent money to escape instead of paying those bills that are now still there, but with interest?
I am sure you've heard the phrase, "Misery loves company," right? And that makes total sense, because people who suffer miserably just love taking some comfort in the reality that other people are sharing and suffering from the same end result known to our society as STRESS. So why do you attract many of the same people who continue crying, complaining and dragging you down with them, feeling negative? Because you let it happen, because "Misery loves company." So what can you do to change that negative behavior? Simple: Do Something About It (and I'm going to remind you what you can do, and it is really very simple!!)
Here are some facts about Stress
72% percent of people have daily stress and anxiety that interfere with their lives.
40% percent experience persistent stress or excessive anxiety in their daily lives.
24% percent have taken prescription medication to manage stress, nervousness, emotional problems or lack of sleep.
28% percent have had an anxiety or panic attack.
However, only 9% have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
In this article I am not going to concentrate on what causes stress, because we all know that every thing that is negative can cause stress, so what is this article about?
This article is to remind you of The Power of your Mind. Trust me, this power is your Divine gift from the Universe and it isn't complicated at all, you can feel good by applying so many different and simple techniques to eliminate stress.
So lets take a shortcut to your vacation without spending any money, or at least a lot less than going on a vacation.
Stress and Anxiety can be eliminated without the actual vacation.
You're probably wondering, how? And I am going to tell you: hypnosis, meditation, massage, yoga, deep breathing and much more.
I am going to share with you the stress-free formula that was always available to you. And it's so simple! We always hear about this magic formula that helps with relaxation, de-stressing and other stress cures that are proven and accepted in our society as different therapy and modalities, not only that it is actually used in hospitals all over the countries. Researchers have been able to determine what effects these techniques and methods have on the human mind and body.
We always hear about miracles such as healing from cancer, eliminating chronic pain, natural child birth and I can go on and on with the absolute results and the facts . . . So this is what you really owe to yourself to remain stress free. Make a commitment with yourself to Live The Stress-Free Lifestyle by giving yourself some time each and every day to feel positive and good about yourself.
Apply self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a trance, a daydreaming body-mind connection. It is a state in which a person becomes more aware and focused to accept positive suggestions that will allow you to go anywhere you wish to vacation. Do you want to re-visit a vacation you enjoyed? How about a place you've never been? A beautiful garden, or a temple? Yes, just by using the power of your mind, you can take yourself to any wonderful place you wish to go. This consciousness, induced by your self using self-hypnosis or by another person who is a Certified Hypnotherapist, allows you to let go of unnecessary inhibitions and re-program a pattern that works effortlessly to relieve stress, anxiety, pain, and much more.
All you have to do is to find yourself a comfortable place where you can dim the lights, and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale slowly and exhale all tension and stress away from your thoughts and physical body, just letting go, allow all worries to change and shift by traveling to your imaginary vacation place, feeling wonderful and energized. You can also have a beautiful CD playing in the background - perhaps nature sounds or your favorite music - while you are letting yourself be loose and limp like soft cotton candy, or silky clouds.. You can be creative in any way you wish to be, by simply using your imagination to create that peaceful, relaxing environment you deserve to have…
Apply Deep Breathing. You breathe all the time, so why not use the breath to properly stimulate the brain natural endorphins (your natural relaxant hormone that creates a great sense of peace). It is really simple. Start by being aware of your breathing patterns. Then continue by repeating a positive phrase as you breath in and out slowly. For example you might breath and think, "I AM CALM, I AM RELAXED, I FEEL GOOD." By doing these two simple steps, your mind trusts what you deliver to it, and therefore doesn't trigger the fight-flight stress response as easily in the future.
Apply Meditation. Meditation is as easy as breathing in and out, and can be easily adopted into your daily busy lifestyle. When you meditate, different parts of your brain turn on and off, slowing down your autonomic nervous system, short-circuiting your stress response. You can apply meditation by using a few positive phrases or affirmations, repeated to yourself before going to a job interview, or a date, etc.
Apply Body Massage. This one is a straight-up stress release, trust me. It will not only relax your muscles but your entire mind as well. Massage allows you to enjoy the natural stress release of endorphins (like breathing, mentioned above) Remember touch is therapy, not only for stress and anxiety, but also for pain management. It also corresponds with improved sleep, the lifting of depression, and lowering blood pressure. Massage can be used by your self, simply by rubbing your muscles every morning or whenever you take a shower (you can even use a natural body brush and scrub your body limb by limb in long sweeping motions) or you can hire a professional massage therapist. Remember, hand, foot and back rubs from a loved one are also recommended...
What else you can apply to eliminate Stress? How about dancing, singing, yoga, drawing, painting, writing, gardening - anything that you enjoy is a Stress Release . . .
It is so simple to reduce stress in our lives. So simple, in fact, that many people overlook it and think they have to live with it! You can be free from stress, so why not do it every day? Free yourself - you can do it as quick as 30 seconds or as long as 20 minutes to a one hour, using guided imagery to go on vacation, breathing along, thinking affirmations... Just do it!
Tell yourself, "I am calm", "I am capable", "I am happy", "I am energetic", "I am smart." You can just pick whatever you truly desire, and say it over and over until your mind says, "I've got it." And then Live it... Feel It… Become It...
Now, I know some of you will say, "I can't Visualize," or, "I fall asleep every time I try to meditate, so how am I going to benefit from hypnosis and this type of stress-relief?" My response to you is, "Let me teach you how to experience the power of your mind one on one." When you contact me and refer to this article when booking your first private session with me, you will receive and enjoy the step-by-step Self Hypnosis CD entitled, "Eliminating Stress," yours to keep.
© 2007 Doreen Cohanim - All Rights Reserved.
Doreen Cohanim MM, C.Ht, HBCE
HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator
Related Tags: stress, sleep, body, mind, meditation, hypnosis, natural therapy, relaxation. imagery, vecation
Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999. Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called "The Dance Chakra," as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.
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