Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements - Using Oil In Ester Form

by Brett Seagrott - Date: 2007-02-22 - Word Count: 732 Share This!

Loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, the benefits of fish oil supplements are numerous. Known for the positive effect it has on heart health, joints and the brain, omega 3 is one of the latest buzzwords in a healthy diet. Because the body does not naturally produce this vitally important compound, it needs to be obtained through foods or supplements.

While many people believe the best source of omega 3 is in plant foods such as walnuts or flax seed, they may be unaware that there are two different types. Plants produce short chain omega 3's, however, the long chain version of this compound contains DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid), which have been proven to provide more abundant health benefits. DHA and EPA are known as essential fatty acids (EFA's).

Fish is the best source of these beneficial fatty acids. However given the influx of deadly toxins that are carried by fish, it is recommend they only be consumed one to two times a week. Given this fact it is difficult to get adequate amounts of omega 3 in our diets. Thankfully, fish oil supplements can safely help to make up the omega 3 shortfall.

If you have no serious health conditions, you need about 1000 mgs of omega 3 daily. This means in order to see the benefits of fish oil supplements you should take two 500 mg soft gels daily.

What Are The Health Benefits?

With the American Heart Association recommending that everyone increase their intake of omega 3, the health benefits of fish oil are numerous. Studies have shown that a diet filled with omega 3 fatty acids helps improve cardiovascular health, immune response, anti inflammatory action, brain function, vision, joint function and mobility and skin. In addition, with more than 100,000 scientific studies published on the benefits of fish oil supplements, and fish oil, it is a wonder that everyone does not include it in their diet.

The Superiority Of Fish Oil In Ester Form

Most people have not heard of the ester form of fish oil, largely because it is so expensive to manufacture. There is only a handful of manufacturers out there which produce fish oil in ester form. From a bioavailability point of view it is the most superior form of fish oil. Fish oil is usually manufactured in triglyceride form, and while still beneficial, it cannot be readily absorbed until the body converts it to ester form. In triglyceride form, the oil has a difficult time passing through the cell membranes, thus the body sees significantly less of its benefits. By contrast, if the oil is converted to an ester form during the manufacturing process it is easily able to enter cell membranes, allowing the body to use it as instant energy, or store it for later use.

Ensuring Purity

Because of toxicity issues with most cold-water fish, it is crucial to research where the fish, from which the oil is harvested, are derived from. The majority of lakes in the northern hemisphere have heavy levels of mercury, PCB's and other contaminates. Because of this, most fish oils are imported and transported a considerable distance before they are made into a capsule form. Given their long trek, additives must be put into the oil so that it will not spoil during the journey. In order to ensure that the oil you are using as pure it is important to use a product that has been molecularly distilled to filter out contaminates, impurities and additives.

Benefits of fish oil supplements - The Importance Of DHA

DHA is the more important Omega 3 fatty acid. It is believed to constitute the 'building blocks' of the brain. In addition it has been shown to provide greater cardiovascular benefits than EPA and is more effective at boosting 'good' HDL cholesterol and lowering the levels of dangerous triglycerides in the blood. Because of this, DHA content should be one of your main considerations when comparing fish oil brands and you should aim for at least 250mg. The average industry standard is 120mg of DHA but this is way too low to produce the health benefits associated with this amazing EFA.

While the benefits of fish oil supplements are many, it is important to remember that they are not all created equal. When looking for a quality supplement, make sure it is the highly superior ester form, has been molecularly distilled and contains at least 250mg (and preferable more) of DHA.

Related Tags: quality, omega 3, nutritional supplements, epa, dha, fish oil, ester, molecularly distilled

Brett Seagrott is a health researcher and author of The site explains benefits of fish oil supplements in greater detail plus evaluations, comparisons and no holds barred reviews of leading supplement Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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