The Supplement Vanadium Can Help Fight Diabetes

by Bill Schuchman - Date: 2006-12-02 - Word Count: 279 Share This!

Vanadium is an essential trace mineral that is essential in humans. Vanadium plays a role in metabolism of carbohydrates and in regulating blood glucose levels. Vanadium also positively effects cholesterol and blood lipid metabolism.

Many studies have shown that vanadium compounds markedly improve fasting glucose. Vanadium works similarly to that of insulin. Insulin's primary function is to stimulate GLUT-4 transporters to the surface of the cell and carry glucose inside. Vanadium has been shown to activate the GLUT-4 transporters mimicking insulin.

In 1996 a small study of eight men and women with type 2 diabetes received 50 milligrams of vanadyl sulfate twice a day for four weeks. The results were remarkable; the average fasting glucose was reduced by 20%!

This amazing compound was also shown to have positive effects with type 1 diabetics. Ten patients were given 125 milligrams per day of sodium metavanate (which is another form of vanadium) for two weeks. While the type 1 diabetics showed no changes in their blood glucose levels they required much less insulin.

Other benefits of Vanadium include:

-Lowers blood sugar

-Increases muscle mass

-Helps reduce cholesterol levels

-Increases muscle vascularity and blood flow ("pumped feeling")

-Mimics insulin action

-May help improve blood pressure

-Increases glycogen synthesis and storage

Safety testing- Vanadium appears to have very little side effects. At very high doses patients reported diarrhea but at low doses Vanadium appears to be safe although more comprehensive long term studies are currently underway.

Dietary Sources- The best sources of vanadium are mushrooms, shellfish, black pepper, parsley and grain products.

Before you take any supplement you must discuss your plans with your doctor because supplements can interact with certain medications. Blood sugar levels must be closely monitored and modifications in your medications may be required.

Related Tags: diabetes, type 2 diabetes, vanadium, cure diabetes

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