Isn't Your Job Mindset Suffocating You, Your Dreams, And Your Goals?

by C.F. Jackson - Date: 2007-06-23 - Word Count: 525 Share This!

The chains of the corporate mindset holds people back from stepping forward and completely creating their desires, dreams, and visions is the belief of C.F. Jackson.

Reported by InfoWorld in May of 2006, 97% of a sample 3,000 IT professionals suffered from stress due to the following conditions: taking on other people's work; lack of job satisfaction; lack of control over daily duties; and managerial pressure, interruptions, and bullying.

These conditions are mirrored by other professions and industries throughout the corporate world.

C.F. Jackson recognized that her mind was being drowned, day in and day out, when in the midst of her 40 hour work week. It stole from her the ability to place valuable attention toward her desires and dreams.

"Once I began to release myself mentally, psychologically, and emotionally I was able to magnify my dreams," she stated. It was through her drive to release herself that C.F. Jackson was able to analyze the corporate culture and environment. She created ways to manipulate her corporate mentality to bring forth her true self within an eight hour work day.

The key is this," she stated with a look of purpose. "It's to detach yourself mentally and emotionally from the job," she added. "People become so intertwined with a job, a company, the policies, the processes, the people, and environment that they become lost to themselves 95% of their work day," she expressed with passion.

The hustle and bustle of everyday work life deprives 97% of society from living their true destiny. To ask oneself: Don't I deserve to create and live the life I deserve? The vast majority of people are too lost in their job mindset to believe or engage in the thought of fulfilling or creating a deserving life.

Too often the corporate mindset dwells in the life of employees, way past the time they have clocked out from their job. Many people sit at home with thoughts of projects, tasks, and meetings soon to come. Now imagine how much one can achieve for themselves should their time and energy be redirected on their dreams and desires.

C.F. Jackson implemented these principles and techniques back in 2003 and brought forth immediate results.

She discovered in an eight hour work day the possibilities to achieve at least one to two daily action tasks. This helped her launch into her dream in 2003. Implementing and remaining focused, C.F. Jackson completed her first novel within a five month period. She later independently published it by creating her own publishing company. In addition, within a six month period she mentored four individuals into beginning their own businesses.

Isn't it time to discover how to:

1. Become detached psychologically, mentally and emotionally from the corporate job?

2. Create a more conducive work environment to focus on your dreams and desires?

3. Rid the "job ownership" mindset?

4. Relieve daily job stress?

5. Manipulate the work/corporate environment?

6. Transform the corporate mindset into unleashing your dreams?

C.F. Jackson believes everyone should take ownership of their corporate mindset to bring forth their desires and dreams. "Isn't it time for America and everyone around the globe to take back their most valuable entity in life, their minds? C.F. Jackson asked with conviction in her voice.

Related Tags: jobs, mindset, stress in the workplace, workplace stress, how to quit your job, america corporate hate i, america corporate leaving, become your own boss, motivation in the workplace, managing workplace negativity, transform yourself, transform your life, i quit my job, unleash warrior within, how to deal with a bad boss, article motivation in the workplace

As an author, messenger, and motivator, C.F. Jackson's passion is to be the light into your hidden dreams. After you listen to or experience C.F. Jackson personally - may it be a tele-series, events or just in passing, you will be enlightened to a higher level of the possibility of living your dream.

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