Why Fund Managers Get Rich Managing Your Money

by Joel Teo - Date: 2007-02-05 - Word Count: 383 Share This!

For a fund manager it is all about getting your money into their funds.  They make commissions which is why fund managers get rich managing your money.  They will often let the fund keep growing and raking in the money while investors suffer.  That's why managers get rich managing your money. 

Fund managers buy more and each time they make a buy they make more money which is why fund managers get rich managing your money.  It is also why they encourage you to buy certain funds which is why fund managers get rich managing your money. 

If you still don't understand why fund managers get rich managing your money read on.  The job of a funds manager covers many ranges.  Unlike just a broker who wants to do no more than buy because that's how they get paid, a funds manager gets earnings from a variety of different ways such as we mentioned earlier.

If you aren't sure that your fund manager is making the grade you should be comparing him or her against others because they are making good money of your portfolio and other portfolios.  If it bothers you why fund managers get rich managing your money maybe the time has come to consider being your own fund manager. 

Did you know that for only a few hours a day for a couple of weeks you can build a nice looking portfolio.  What you want to do is build a portfolio that covers the basics and then all you need to do is maintain it.  Why fund managers get rich managing your money is pretty straight forward but you don't have to play into it if you don't want to. 

And thanks to the internet and the ability to buy stocks, bond, and mutual funds online there really is no reason to keep your fund manager.  No need for those front load fees which is why fund managers get rich managing your money.

Now that the mystery of why fund managers get rich managing your money is out in the open don't you want to put that commission in your own pocket?

Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Related Tags: money, get, rich, fund, your, why, managing, managers

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