Electronic Timesheets Data Entry

by SteveHyans - Date: 2008-07-16 - Word Count: 676 Share This!

Businesses are recognizing that without biometric access controls buddy punching and time card fraud contribute significantly to annual payroll costs. When not using biometric access controls is employees swiping other employee's cards, or using another employee's password to log hours that were not worked.

Biometric access controls require employees be present to track hours. Companies overlook this biometric access controls principle focus on less expensive alternatives. Actually, the cost of a clock represents a fraction of the dollars saved versus a system not utilizing biometric access controls. HR personnel are now educating themselves on biometric access controlsand types of biometric access controls.

Hourdoc.com's Web Based Time & Attendance system with biometric access controls manages biometric access controls time effectively and as a bonus, payroll preparation time will be greatly reduced with their biometric access controls solution.

Hourdoc.com's biometric access controls solution can be used for biometric access controls time collection data for single or multiple jobs and integrate the biometric access controls data to a payroll software program. Biometric access controls hours can be collected via any PC or MAC, or an external biometric access controls time collections device configured to collect biometric access controls hours.

A biometric access controls solution is not only a quick and easy way to handle biometric access controls but also manages things like FMLA. Biometric access controls solutions manage the requesting process. Biometric access controls solutions allow management of the approval process. Biometric access controls solutions assist in managing FMLA approvals. Biometric access controls solutions provide a reporting tool to monitor employee FMLA usage. Biometric access controls solutions facilitate the integration between biometric access controls, FMLA usage and payroll reporting via the Hourdoc biometric access controls application.

A biometric access controls solution is not only a quick and easy way to handle biometric access controls, but also manages things like Vacation Day Off Requests via biometric access controls. Biometric access controls solutions manage the requesting process. Biometric access controls solutions allow management of the approval process. Biometric access controls solutions assist in managing Vacation Day Off approvals. Biometric access controls solutions provide a reporting tool to monitor employee Vacation Day Off usage. Biometric access controls solutions facilitate the integration between biometric access controls, Vacation Day Off usage and payroll reporting via the Hourdoc biometric access controls application.

A biometric access controls solution is not only a quick and easy way to handle biometric access controls, but also manages things like Sick Day Off Requests via biometric access controls. Biometric access controls solutions manage the requesting process. Biometric access controls solutions allow management of the approval process. Biometric access controls solutions assist in managing Sick Day Off approvals. Biometric access controls solutions provide a reporting tool to monitor employee Sick Day Off usage. Biometric access controls solutions facilitate the integration between biometric access controls, Sick Day Off usage and payroll reporting via the Hourdoc biometric access controls application.

A Biometric access controls solutions is not only a quick and easy way to handle biometric access controls, but also manages things like Paid Time Off Requests via biometric access controls. Biometric access controls solutions manage the requesting process. Biometric access controls solutions allow management of the approval process. Biometric access controls solutions assist in managing Paid Time Off approvals. Biometric access controls solutions provide a reporting tool to monitor employee Paid Time Off usage. Biometric access controls solutions facilitate the integration between biometric access controls, Paid Time Off usage and payroll reporting via the Hourdoc biometric access controls application.

A biometric access controls solutions is not only a quick and easy way to handle biometric access controls, but also manages things like Floating Holiday Time Off Requests via Biometric access controls . Biometric access controls solutions manage the requesting process. Biometric access controls solutions allow management of the approval process. Biometric access controls solutions assist in Floating Holiday Time Off approvals. Biometric access controls solutions provide a reporting tool to monitor Floating Holiday Time Off usage. Biometric access controls solutions facilitate the integration between biometric access controls, Floating Holiday Time Off usage and payroll reporting via the Hourdoc biometric access controls application.


Related Tags: time tracking, electronic timesheet, hr and payroll software, hr payroll system, payroll attendance, payroll integration, payroll processing system, time recording system, attendance scheduling, timesheet reporting, hours tracking software, overtime tracking

Stan Harris is the Director of Customer Care for Hourdoc.com and has been with the company since January 2005. Stan strives to help make people's lives better by providing them with effective business management tools and methods.
http://www.hourdoc.com"">biometric access controls

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