Conspiracy Madness

by frederick bouter - Date: 2007-03-05 - Word Count: 467 Share This!

In connection with the WTC disaster there are conspiracy theories that have been proposed. Such as that the airliner did not fit the size of the building. A terrorist passport was found in good order, whereas everything else was destroyed. The building simply could not have collapsed because of the crash, despite all the kerosine. And so on and so forth.

There have been many conspiracy theories about all kinds of 'hidden agenda's'. King David also had a hidden agenda when he conspired with his army to have Uriah killed, the husband of Bathsheba. We all, in fact, have hidden agenda's. They are called our sins, not exposed yet by the Holy Spirit to our consciences.

There have been the hidden agenda's of the Nazis, for example. And history will expose these schemes, whatever they might be. But conspiracy theorists tend to set people on edge and alienate them from their christian calling; even turning some into enemies of whoever. Whereas the bible teaches us in Ephesians chapter six that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the dark demonic powers in the air.

A very elaborate theory is proposed by somebody in the States that all conspiracy theories are smokescreens of the true conspiracy, namely that the Vatican tries to infiltrate the entire world at all levels. Now every church tries to grow and so does the Roman Catholic church. But we cannot know really who the whore of Revelation will be, as she is called by the Lord a mystery. Now the nature of a mystery obviously is that it has not been revealed. But people then will know, just as they will understand the mystery number 666 in those days that are still to come. That is not given to us now and neither is it necessary.
The real conspiracy that is out there is the one by satan himself who with his divide and conquer tactics sets up people against each other. Communists against capitalists, Muslims against Westerners, colored against white and so on. And in this way he succeeds in polarizing us and occupying our hearts with negative feelings and thoughts

Curiosity killed the cat. We christians need not know the depths of satan. We know that satan is called the god of this age in the bible and that the world lies in the evil one. We need not know how God, Who is infinitely greater than satan, rules through him in this regard and of course also directly in our hearts and through the unfallen angels. We need to gather treasures in heaven and serve, honor and worship our Lord as the supreme treasure of our hearts and we need to love our fellowmen as ourselves. This kind of super occult knowledge would only confuse us and distract us, if not worse.

The author holds BAH and MA degrees [see the theses here:].

He resides in Gouda Holland working on various studies and improving his websites with personal poems, fiction and studies [see:].

He was successful with a course in New Testament Greek that is also available in English [see:].

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