Emotional Abuse - Spiritual Survival

by Jeffry Palmer - Date: 2006-12-12 - Word Count: 319 Share This!

Emotional abuse almost always accompanies physical violence. In many cases, emotional or verbal abuse escalates prior to physical abuse. However emotional or verbal abuse occurs with or without physically abusive behaviour. Since it does not leave obvious physical signs, it is a less noticeable type of abuse, but its effects can leave lasting emotional and spiritual wounds which are devastating to victims.

Emotional abuse takes the form of brain washing; it systematically and relentlessly erases the victim's self-esteem, self confidence, trust in their own judgements, and decision making. Whether abuse it is inflicted by constant belittling, domination, berating, humiliation, intimidation or any other forms of manipulation the results are exactly the same. In time the victim of the abuse loses all sense of self and personal value. Emotional abuse cuts the very spiritual heart of a person, creating scars that may be far deeper and more lasting than any physical ones.

Emotional or verbal abuse can often be difficult for victims to identify. Many times victims of abuse are raised in violent or emotionally abusive environments. She may have a difficult time determining what normal relationship strife is and what abuse is. Even the greatest and healthiest relationships contain moments of conflict, no two people ever agree on every single issue. There is a difference between occasional conflict and disagreement and abusive behaviour, this distinction is often blurred to the victim of abuse. Emotional abuse is centred on control.

If you are in an emotionally or spiritually abusive relationship, begin by identifying and acknowledging the abuse. This is not a simple step, find friends or family members who are able to listen to you without judging. If none are available, speak to a counsellor, support group or social worker in your area. Begin to make plans to create a better life for yourself. Remember, the longer that you stay in an abusive relationship, the more difficult it may be to escape it

Related Tags: abuse, spiritual survival, emotional abuse

Jeffry R. Palmer is the well known author of several books dealing with the subjects of metaphysics, paranormal phenomena and psychic development. His articles and columns have been featured in several popular international magazines. His accurate and detailed psychic predictions, including Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesian tsunami have captured the attention of an international audience.

Personal psychic readings by Mr. Palmer are available through the the-psychic-detective.com web site. These psychic readings are kept in strict confidence, cover all aspects of life, are extremely accurate and detailed and are very simple to purchase. Mr. Palmer even offers a 100% money back guarantee to clients if they aren't completely satisfied with their readings. the-psychic-detective.com/Psychic-Readings.htm

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