Nursing Home Neglect Evident In Many Ways

by Nick Johnson - Date: 2007-03-21 - Word Count: 780 Share This!

It can be confusing to tell the difference between the natural aging process and signs of nursing home neglect, especially in bedridden elderly individuals. The aging process is not always pleasant and sometimes the human body responds by painful and unattractive means. However, Decubitus ulcers are a form of neglect. More commonly known as bed sores, these sores develop from pressure point cause by the bones continually pressing against the skin. Bed sores are a definite sign of nursing home neglect.

When a healthy person comes down with the flu, often spending too much time in bed in the same position becomes painful. This is true of those who suffer from bed sores and neglect. That pain that we can all identify when we lay on one position for too long is intensified exponentially when it comes to bed sores. Victims of neglect often find bed sores developing on their body which range anywhere from small red marks to sores that penetrate all the way through the skin to the bone or an internal organ.

Nursing home neglect or nursing home abuse victims can rarely call out for help. They are often so dependant on the nursing home staff that they are afraid to cause any trouble. Sometimes the victims are physically incapable of speaking out against abuse or neglect. Imagine being in agony and having no way to ask for relief or no sense of safety to request relief.

Nursing home neglect laws require that patients be regularly turned in their beds to prevent these bed sores. No matter how small bed sores seem in the beginning, they are still an obvious sign of nursing home neglect, and they still require medical attention. Bed sores that turn into open wounds can not only cause serious health complications but have the potential to lead to death.

In reality, many forms of nursing home neglect can lead to serious health complications or death. While it is true that bed sores can happen in naturally thin elderly individuals despite being turned every couple of hours, but if even the smallest bed sore develops there should be immediate action on behalf of the nursing home doctors and nursing staff to correct the situation, even if that means that the patient needs more frequent turning than is required by law.

Nursing home neglect is a very serious problem, and can often be a little harder to recognize than nursing home abuse. Neglect can lead to death via these bed sores, slow starvation, or dehydration. It is not necessary to wait until bed sores are out of control and obviously remarkably painful to report the facility for neglect. In fact, doing so is a form of nursing home neglect as well.

The initial onset of a bed sore should be dealt with immediately, and if it is not handled to the very highest of your expectations, this is blatant nursing home neglect and should be reported immediately. Patients in nursing homes are virtually helpless to reach out beyond the walls of those who care for them to report neglect on their own. It is vital that those who can not speak for themselves have an advocate that is willing to risk a moment of discomfort to help keep them safe.

Nursing homes are not always easy to deal with when it comes to issues such as neglect or abuse. Those who are typically involved in the abuse are usually tired and callous and may not even readily recognize their own behavior as a form of nursing home neglect. There is always a convenient explanation on hand to explain away your concerns. Explanations pale in comparison to immediate and swift action.

The victims of nursing home neglect are not always forthcoming about the abuse they suffer. Why would they be? If a report of abuse or neglect is ignored or leads to an investigation with no action, the have no recourse for keeping themselves safe. Where are they supposed to turn?

Reporting neglect can be as simple as placing a phone call, however, many people choose to consult with a nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect lawyer in order to deal with the circumstances surrounding the alleged neglect in the most effective and safest method. A qualified lawyer can often give sound advice for dealing with the nursing home staff regarding the abuse and help in filing of any paperwork to ensure that legal action can be taken should the neglect allegation become proven via an investigation.

Never wait to report nursing home neglect. It is imperative both for the purposes of a lawsuit and the safety and health of the victim that the suspected neglect is reported immediately.

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Nick Johnson is lead counsel with Johnson Law Group. Johnson represents plaintiffs in many states and focuses on injury cases involving Fen-Phen and PPH, Paxil, Mesothelioma and Nursing Home Abuse. Call 1-888-311-5522 today or visit for a free case evaluation.

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