Imus and Rappers

by Athena Louise - Date: 2007-04-14 - Word Count: 406 Share This!

This is going to get some people angry but this is my opinion and I am entitled to say anything I want.

First of all Imus was dead wrong in what he said and actually, I am glad that all his sponsors dropped him and he got fired. Anyone so prejudice should not be allowed to spread his hatred anywhere, much less in the media.

Now, saying that - Some of these rappers are just as bad. Aside from singing about killing cops and how women are ho's, here is a what a black rapper who appeared on tv said ...

"They can sing about black nappy headed ho's and bitches cause that is their right and how they speak to each other. It is a form of art and there is a difference and them singing this to their women and some old stinky ass white man sitting up in some booth talking sh.. to a woman cause she is black"

Why is this different? What gives anyone the right to put down another? What gives black men the right to put down black women? Why is this their right? This is not a form of art. This is pure male chauvinism. What is the difference between 'singing this sh.. to their women' and what Imus said? Prejudice is prejudice no matter what form it takes or who says it.

This reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. I overheard a conversation between two women. One said to the other - "I did not earn enough money today so I know my husband is going to beat me - as is his right"

No one has the 'right' to beat another, just as no one has the 'right' to speak down another person. Adults are supposed to be role models for children. What are some of these rappers teaching children? All I hear coming from some of these 'songs' is hatred and prejudice. Women are subservient. All women are ho's. Guns and killing others are good things. Then we wonder why kids bring guns to school and kill classmates when this is what they are listening to?

I respect everyone as long as they respect me. Respect is not a given, but respect is earned. I will respect everyone until they show they do not earn it. This rapper showed he does not deserve to be respected by anyone. Let him look in a mirror and see Imus staring back at him.

Related Tags: prejudice, hatred

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