Treatment Through Instant Hypnosis

by Ann Marier - Date: 2007-04-13 - Word Count: 437 Share This!

Even though hypnosis is an ancient practice, many of us would not consider it as a therapy because we feel vulnerable and unsafe putting the power to control our minds and senses in the hands of the hypnotist. Hypnosis is being associated with magicians and therefore it is hard for some to believe that it also has some extraordinary healing powers.

Hypnosis in an induced state of mind through the power of suggestion and can help greatly with stress relief, quitting bad habits, weight issues and temporary pain relief. However, the patient must be committed to the process in order for it to have any effect. In other words, the patient must believe in the state of hypnosis.

The Instant Hypnosis Approach

It is hard for many to believe that your own mind can provide you with pain relief or the treatment to what seems to you an impossible task to achieve, such as quitting smoking. So, even if we want to believe in hypnosis, our minds may not allow us to relax completely and benefit from the treatment. Hypnotists are used to such patients and they have another way to deal with them, which is called instant hypnosis.

Instant hypnosis will bring you in the hypnotic state of mind without you having the time to ponder over it and dwell in the thoughts of disbelieving the treatment. This is an important factor, because the mind is what initially controls our thoughts. Instant hypnosis can only be performed by professionals who have mastered the art of hypnosis and have the consent of the patient.

The Effects of Instant Hypnosis

Instant hypnosis will provide the same results that you are looking for with the only difference being that it will get you in the hypnotic state faster and almost without you realizing it, which is what many patients desire. Most hypnosis treatments need to be followed up by a few sessions in order to provide desired results.

Helpful Tip

If you are one of the many people who have mixed feelings about hypnosis and the ability of this practice to provide any treatment, but at the same time you have reached the end of your choices to find a cure for your present sufferings, try attending it with a family member or friend who can watch over you while the treatment is being performed Thus, they can assure your safety and well-being.

Hypnosis does not have side effects something that most powerful drugs cannot boast of and the best part is that you can even follow a treatment at home in the comfort of your own familiar surrounding with the help of a self-inducing hypnosis CD.

Related Tags: hypnosis, covert hypnosis, female hypnosis, hypnosis induction, hypnosis mind control, instant hypnosis

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