Internet Marketing, Powerful Words That Sell and Make You Money

by JO MARK - Date: 2008-07-16 - Word Count: 411 Share This!

Are your sales pages converting as well as you'd like? Does your sales copy grab your readers' attention and compel them to read further? Or do your words struggle to make a point, ramble on and miss the target. If your sales pages are finding few if any buyers, maybe you need to use more power words.

Power words capture your readers' attention, motivate them into action, bring them to the buying table with money in hand, and make them anxious to click on your links and purchase your products.

So, what are power words? They are words that do something, activate your imagination, bring your product to life, and set people in motion. They elicit a strong emotional response from your readers. They are carefully selected words that encourage a reader to continue through your entire copy and compel them to take action rather than clicking away and leaving your page.

Power words should be used throughout your sales page beginning with the title and continuing throughout the entire document. Your title should use power words that create a positive impact and entice your visitor to read on. In the body of your sales copy, use power words liberally to encourage your visitor to read the rest of your copy.

Words like Fantastic, Powerful, and Secret are power words that will cause your readers to want to read on for more information. They cause your reader to assume that they are about to see something that is really great. This process takes place at the subconscious level and is extremely effective at converting lookers into buyers. Other power words are:

Amazing Discover Easy Exclusive Extraordinary Fast FREE Guarantee Incredible Outstanding Proven

When we hear words like ‘Secret' our minds immediately want to know the details. It is how our brains function. Everyone wants to be among that small circle of people who are privy to that secret information. Using the word secret in your sales copy engages your readers until the very end.

However, when selecting power words for your sales copy, be choosy and don't overdo it. The over use of power words can be a turnoff and come across as being too good to be true.

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Related Tags: power words, sales page, words that sell, persuasive words, writing a sales page, making a sales page

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