The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have To Do With Page Rank?
We all can't be Oscar Winners like Hilary Swank so we need to find other Methods to Brand our Names and Increase our Page Rank. The Swank Meter is a fun and simple Tool you can use to easily measure how well your Name Branding techniques are working. We even throw in 5 Simple techniques anyone can use to brand there Name.
Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on My Name in Quotes Without it my Middle initial brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5
After Looking up other Popular Internet Figures who Brand there Name and calculating there Swank Meter's it seems that any Swank Meter under 19 is fairly good.
Name Branding is Important because it sets you up as an Expert in your Field, Lets Do a Word association if I say Golf, what is the first thing that Pops in your Mind. I Bet it is probably Tiger Woods. Likewise if I say Hotel Conrad Hilton or J. W. Marriott are 2 Names that have been branded to Hotels. For a long Time A. L. Williams was Branded with Life Insurance. Wouldn't you like to be Branded to your Niche Market Like Bill Gates and Computers.
The Best way to become branded to a Niche Market is to raise your Swank Meter. The More places online your Name appears the better your branding efforts. The Question now of course is how does one raise their Hilary Swank aka Swank Meter rating? The Power of Viral Marketing is the best way to raise one's Swank Meter. Below are 5 Viral Marketing techniques you can use right now to Brand Yourself
1- Article Submission
One Popular Author Claims by writing a few simple articles and submitting them to 20 or so popular Article Directories he Achieved a Swank Rating of about 10. For Over 50 places to submit articles go here.
2- Give Testimonials
Another Great way to go Viral is by giving Testimonials. Many of the places my name appears and often a link to my web page is in a testimonial on someone else's web Page.
3- E-Book Give Always
Free E-Book Give Always are Another great Viral Marketing Tool. You can Turn your article Collection into E-Book(s) and give them away as an Incentive for someone to subscribe to your newsletter. Of Course to make it Viral allow others to give them away too. It is fairly easy to convert an Article or set of article to a PDF (E-Book) Using this Free Online Tool.
4- Software Give Always
Free Software is yet another Twist on Going Viral. If you can't create your own Software there are plenty of places on the Internet that offer Free Software for redistribution
5- Forums
Forums are also a great way to Go Viral. Simply find a few Forums on Topics that interest you and respond to posts with useful feedback, Some Forums will even allow you to post a Link.
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