Are You Ready To Throw Time Management Out The Window

by Maria Marsala - Date: 2007-01-04 - Word Count: 291 Share This!

Forget about time management, I have. Why? Have any of the hours upon hours of training, or reading on the subject solved the time problem? Heck, none of it worked for very long. Did it work for you?

When I became a student of Coach U , in 1997,one of the mandatory courses I had to take, was called "The Personal Foundation Program(r)". It's a 24 subject course that includes thought-provoking exercises, including "Getting Complete", Removing Tolerations From Your Life, and a host of other personal development topics. (Note: Most, if not all, Coach U trained coaches offer this program to their clients.)

It was then that I realized why all this time management stuff wasn't working! How could I possibly manage something I have no control over: time? Think about it. Can you really control time? Yet, haven't we all tried and failed?

What many consider to be time management is really a combination of:

Defining your top 5 values (what you have to have or you'll emotionally die). Learning about your needs (what's running you). Setting life priorities (what's really important to you) Balancing your life, whatever balance means to you. Balance is different for every person. Clearing out life's clutter: getting complete with the past and uncluttering all your living environments. Taking your to-do list and making it a to-complete list. Pay someone to complete the things you don't want to do but they need doing, remove what you really don't want to finish, let things go that you have no control over and shorten your list! Collaborating - stop the process of doing so much of life alone because life's just not meant be be that way.

Why do all that work? Because you'll make better decisions, therefore, you'll have more time.

Related Tags: goals, objectives, boundaries, setting priorities

©2006 A former Wall Street trader, Maria Marsala, Business Strategist and Trainer, helps women with independent micro, small to mid-size businesses and branch managers to boost profits, productivity and have more playtime - faster! Subscribe to Powerful Business Strategies Ezine to download a one-page business and marketing plan MP3 and create your business vision statement now. Visit

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