Find Cell Phone Owners by Number Only

by Gary Mathers - Date: 2008-11-14 - Word Count: 375 Share This!

You do not need any sophisticated spy equipment to discover the identity of the owner of a cell phone; you just need a good service that allows you to find cell phone owners by number. These websites are called reverse cell phone directories and they are an invaluable tool when you face situations like these:

Prank calls
Abusive calls
Investigating a cheating spouse
Locating annoying telemarketers
Simply being more informed when faced with an unknown number

If any of these seem familiar then you can see why reverse cell phone lookups are a great tool. In fact these directories are becoming so popular there are many of them out there on the internet of various quality, most of the good ones charge a small fee while the ones that claim to be free reverse cell phone directories are often very poor quality with incomplete databases and an agenda to take your details and sell them to spam marketers by phone or email. There are a few reasons for this:

Cell phone numbers are not freely available for people to make into directories like land lines because they are not a part of the public domain and therefore there is no central database for cell numbers.
A good reverse cell phone directory must spend a lot of time and money to purchase cell phone numbers and the details of their owner from various sources to compile into one larger more complete mega-database.
To recoup these losses and make a profit they have to make money via advertising on their site which is very minimal, by taking your details and selling them to other companies who may not be very concerned about how much they annoy you or they take the more honest route and simply charge a small fee for the service.
The fee charging sites are almost always the ones with the most complete databases and can also offer additional information like public records searches and more to help in your investigations.

So if you need to know who is behind that cell phone number and need it immediately, click below to find a review of the best reverse cell phone directories on the net and get immediate access to their databases.

Related Tags: reverse cell phone, reverse cell phone directory, find cell phone owners

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