Simple Effective Security

by Frank Landers - Date: 2007-01-18 - Word Count: 309 Share This!

If you are really serious about protecting your home, property and your safety it pays to install a home security alarm system. A properly installed security alarm system is at the heart of any overall home security system.

There are different types of alarm systems you can install from the many different companies such as ADT Home Security, Brinks and Chubb, which also offer the added security of being able to have your alarm system professionally monitored. Unfortunately these days there are so many badly fitted alarm systems that go off for no reason, they have been badly installed or have been set off by a pet. How often does an alarm sound near you, do you call the police? If your monitored alarm system is triggered then you know someone will contact the police for you. You can also be automatically notified if your alarm is set off as modern alarm systems can contact you on your mobile either by a recorded message or text.

Generally the best alarm solution is what is known as a perimeter system, this system protects the windows and doors. Unlike many cheaper alarm systems that consist of a couple of motion detectors (PIRs), a perimeter system will be triggered as a burglar attempts to get in. A motion detector only system will only be triggered when a burglar in your home. I know what I prefer, and its not coming face to face with a burglar.

Once you have had your alarm system installed don't forget to make sure your external doors and windows have suitable quality security locks fitted. An alarm system is only part of a complete security solution but it helps to prevent your home from being the next crime scene

Most burglaries are opportunist and if you don't give them the opportunity you will save yourself a lot of stress and hassle.

Related Tags: home security, door, burglar alarms, home security alarms

Frank Landers is a freelance journalist and award winning photographer, He has also worked as a Travel and Security adviser (Not allowed to say who for) and is currently retained as a security adviser for Security in the Home

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