Qam Tuner - What is It?

by RJ Patterson - Date: 2007-01-06 - Word Count: 178 Share This!

A QAM tuner enables the television set, to tune in to the QAM (digital cable) signals being sent by the cable providers. This allows free reception, of the unscrambled digital cable channels. A QAM tuner will eliminate the necessity for a cable set-top box, for most basic cable services. Digital channels that are not part of the basic cable package, are usually scrambled. But this is not always the case. Which channels are scrambled varies greatly from location to location, and will probably change over time. If the digital channels are scrambled by the cable provider, then a cable box is still necessary. An alternative would be to buy a television that is labeled "digital cable ready". This type of television will have a CableCARD module with a slot. Cable providers will have a special card they insert and install into this slot located on the tv. This card, will unscramble the protected channels, and allow subscribers to tune in all authorized digital channels, without the need for a traditional, cable, set-top box. For more information see

Related Tags: qam tuner, digital cable

RJ Patterson is an electronics technician, author and webmaster of, which is the source for this article.

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