Unique Selling Proposition - If You Don't Have One You Won't Be In Business For Long

by Mark Hannah - Date: 2006-12-05 - Word Count: 649 Share This!

"When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight"
"We're number two. We try harder."
"Like a good neighbor_____ _____ is there"

If you can name the companies that belong to the above Unique Selling Propositions than you can see the importance of having your own, it works!

Simply stated a Unique Selling Proposition differentiates you from your competition. If you don't have something different to offer, you better find something or save yourself a lot of aggravation and go work for your competition. It tells your prospects why they should do business with you versus the other guys. No, scratch that; it SCREAMS at your prospects why they MUST do business with you. Your prospects are interested in one thing and one thing only, what's in it for them. Make it easy for them to do business with you, don't keep them guessing. Tell them why they should do business with you and only you. To be successful in business you don't have to be the best but you have to be unique. A 'me too' business if it survives, survives by price wars. I don't think this is how you want to run your business. Best of all, a USP costs NOTHING.

Dominos dominated the pizza delivery market by screaming to their prospects "Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed". Nowhere in that USP does it tell people that the pizza tastes good but it solves the problem of cold delivery pizza, which, at that time was the industry's largest problem. Not only did it solve the problem, it GUARANTEED a solution to the customers' problem. Dominos' USP did exactly what a good USP is designed to do it differentiated them from the competition.

How do you create a successful USP? Ask yourself how you would answer this question; what do you do for a living? If you can answer this question with a statement about exactly what benefit you offer your customers than you are well on your way to developing a dynamite USP. If you answered 'I am a _____' then you have some work to do. For example, if you asked me what I did for a living I wouldn't say 'I'm a printer' or 'I'm a marketing coach' I would say 'I create your most powerful marketing tool and give you the knowledge to reap its potential - FREE'. That's what makes Full Color Resources unique and sets us apart from a 'business card printer'; we are passionate about marketing and truly interested in helping you be successful.

Make it crystal clear. As I mentioned previously, make it easy for people to do business with you. The more clearly you describe the benefits of doing business with you the more they will choose you over the competition. Focus on what you do best.

Answering these questions will help you develop a USP.

1. What do you do and for whom?
2. What is your biggest benefit?
3. How will your customers perceive this benefit?
4. What makes you unique?
5. What problem do you solve?

Creating a successful USP is an important mission; don't take it lightly. A good USP is not created in one sitting. Ask for help. Some of you best suggestions will come from your current clients. Ask them why they do business with you and why they selected you over your competition. Don't be afraid to ask, people love to help and your asking will help build stronger relationships with those customers. Ask a twelve year old. If they don't understand it they are sure to tell you. If they do, you're onto something. Keep working on it.

Now that you have a fantastic USP that is going to generate business, use it everywhere! Don't let it go to waste. Put your USP to work on:

• Business cards
• Letterhead
• Envelopes
• Signage
• Vehicle lettering
• All forms of advertising
• Your voice mail
• Your email signature (and that of anyone else in your organization)
• Your checks
• Packaging

Related Tags: marketing, image

Mark Hannah is the president of Full Color Resources, a full color printer specializing in custom designed full color business cards. Not generic looking cards designed from a template that are a waste of money, a custom designed card that WILL generate business. Full Color Resources is different than other printers because Mark cares about marketing and is passionate about helping business owners be successful.

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