Natural Skin Care | Vitamin C | L Ascorbic Acid | Natural Skin Care Products
The natural skin care ingredient, vitamin C should be in the form of L-ascorbic acid to be useful and effective to the skin and body. Studies reveal that vitamin C can stay in the skin for up to seventy-two hours, if it is applied on the skin once.
Vitamin C and Melanogenesis
The natural skin care ingredient vitamin C helps in the decrease of melanin formation. Actually, melanin is the one, which is responsible for the skin's dark pigmentation.
Studies have clearly shown that vitamin C helps in skin lightening. A preparation can be used to clarify and even out the skin tone as it lightens dark spots and skin blemishes.
Vitamin C As A Sun Protection Ingredient
The natural skin care ingredient vitamin C helps in neutralizing the free radicals, cell membranes, the exceedingly reactive molecules created by the sunlight and other components of skin tissue's interaction.
Vitamin C is not capable of absorbing the sunlight, thus it should not be used as supplement to sunscreen. It is however good applying it alongside a sunscreen product.
Vitamin C AS A Collagen Synthesizer
The natural skin care ingredient vitamin C is the only antioxidant proven to increase collagen synthesis. This natural skin care ingredient helps in healing of minor cuts and wounds.
As collagen decreases with age, photo aging further speed up the decrease. L-ascorbic acid in vitamin C acts as a signal and sends message to the collagen genes to manufacture more collagen. This natural skin care ingredient is also a cofactor for enzymes vital in collagen synthesis.
Vitamin C As A Antioxidant
The production of collagen is affected when the skin is exposed to reactive oxygen species, known as free radicals. These free radicals result in wrinkles and premature skin sagging transpire. Free radicals are produced due to over UV radiation exposure.
As UV radiation penetrates deep inside the skin create free radicals as well as other reactive agents that hit and damage the skin's lipids. The natural skin care ingredient vitamin C helps the body in neutralizing these free radicals.
Functions of The Natural Skin Care Ingredient Vitamin C:
* Naturalizes pollutants.
* Maintains healthy skin
* Increase the rate of healing.
* Helps in the production of anti bodies.
* Fights off foreign invaders in the body.
* Increases collagen production in the skin.
* Is a natural antihistamine, can reduce allergic reactions.
Guidelines In Evaluating Natural Skin Care Products Containing Vitamin C:
* Check if the preparation is stable of the natural skin care products.
* L-ascorbic acid should be at a low ph level, to effectively penetrate the skin.
* The natural skin care product to look for is that which contains stable L-ascorbic acid, low ph and high concentration.
* Do remember that when a label says "vitamin C" on the natural skin care products does not mean that it contains L-ascorbic acid.
* Ask if the natural skin care product contain L-ascorbic acid. There are certain natural skin care products containing L-ascorbic acid within a vitamin c complex. Know what form of vitamin c is used.
L-ascorbic Skin Care Products:
Action C
Action C delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing effectiveness to improve the appearance of blemished or sun damaged skin. It hydrates the skin resulting to a vibrant skin immediately upon the first application. It also shields the skin from the sun's rays to minimize the effect of premature skin aging.
C Factor TM
High in L-ascorbic acid, this natural skin care product promotes cell renewal and protects the skin from future damage.
The Benefits C Factor TM include:
* Pores are unclogged.
* Improves skin tones.
* Has a moisturizing formula.
* Perks up sun-damaged skin.
* Sustains the elasticity of the skin.
* Help in the production of collagen.
* Can be used under daily make up.
* Decreases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
* UV Aging is inhibited to achieve younger looking skin.
Uses L-ascorbic acid as its primary ingredient, combined with zinc sulphate and L-tyrosine, making the skin firmer, and decreases deep lines, which gives the skin a more youthful appearance.
This formulation is applied to the face once a day and results can be attained within eight to twelve weeks.
HydraXtract "C"
Vitamin C combined with vitamin E, aloe vera, panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5), a-bisobolol, tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E), allantoin, and chamomile extract work to a more youthful and even skin tone.
In spite of all the benefits the natural skin care ingredient vitamin C provides, one should note that it is important not to get stuck on just one antioxidant alone.
Even though vitamin c is evidently very effective in reducing skin aging, it is very complicated, researchers suggest that it is best to fight against the factors, which are increasing skin aging using multiple antioxidants, and but not just relying on a few that has greater publicity.
Related Tags: natural skin care, free radicals, vitamin c, natural skin care products
Alien writes for acne skin care. He also writes for makeup tips and skin problems
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