List Building : Working with Partners to Build Your List

by Tellman Knudson - Date: 2007-02-21 - Word Count: 485 Share This!

Do you have a partners in your online ventures? What kind of people are they?

Are the you and the other person similar or supportive in the way that they think about things? What I mean when I ask that are one or both of you idea people? Or is one an idea person and the other person a follow-through consistency person?

If you're both idea people, my suggestion would be that you work on separate projects, but you help each other come up with the ideas to make those projects a reality.

When one of you is an idea person and the other person is more consistent, consider the joint venture, working toward a common vision. This is the best kind of partnership because one of you is all about ideas, getting things started, and leading the way. The other is more about getting things accomplished. They thrive on making things happen, and get a great deal of satisfaction out of seeing things complete.

Of course, that absolutely doesn't mean that two idea people can't work together. They can, but first, find the boundaries. Because I'm an idea person, I have found that working with other idea people can be very challenging. I actually prefer to hang out with idea people because there's just so much stimulation, but with them, I just don't get as much done. Success in whatever project we're working on is much slower and the projects are often less successful.

Does this relate to list building?

Of course it does! Everything you do in Internet Marketing should relate to list building in one way or another. And if neither of you has a list to start, you can divide up what needs to be done. Can the idea person come up with the offer to sign up? I mean, you may or may not have a product to learn more about. So, will you give a report, a newsletter, what will get people to opt-in? The idea person can decide that. The consistent person might hire people to create the report or newsletter or they can hire people to do that for them. Or, the idea person can come up with some good squeeze page ideas, while the consistent person makes the page or again, hires someone else to do it. The whole thing is that you have to find each other's strengths and weaknesses and work within those to make a project sing.

There's no doubt that you can get things done faster with a partner. But you need the right combination of people to make things work. Some people will just be impossible to work with, and others will be easy and you'll really enjoy the experience. Be sure that before you jump into something with someone else that you get to know them a little first. Doing anything blindly takes more time, and that's not something any of us can ever get back again.

Related Tags: list building, partnerships

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

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