Avoid Yeast Infection: Eliminate Candidiasis

by Soli Katir - Date: 2007-12-03 - Word Count: 286 Share This!

Natural Steps You Can Take To Eliminate Candidiasis: • Do a Candidia cleanse to purge the impurities • Drink up to a gallon of filtered water a day to flush out dead yeast cells • Eat more veggies for fiber • Eat more whole grains such as rye or millet • Avoid yeast and mold containing foods (cheeses, grapes, mushrooms) • Avoid refined foods, sugar, and alcohol • Avoid artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives, etc. Warning- If you suspect that you have yeast or fungus infestation, avoid using this drink until the problem clears. Breast-feeding a baby that has thrush should not be a big issue, as long as the area is properly cleaned to avoid retransmitting the yeast upon next feeding.

Detox diet: The rules of the detox diet are to avoid all foods containing refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour plus any mould, fungus or yeast containing foods. You should also avoid eating any foods with sugar or yeast until sufficient improvement in symptoms is experienced. It would also be wise to avoid taking it along with other herbs that may increase the risk of liver damage, which include androstenedione, chaparral, comfrey, DHEA, germander, kava, niacin, pennyroyal oil, red yeast, and others.

Some foods to avoid that cause gout are alcoholic beverages, anchovies, caviar, herring, yeast, organ meats such as liver or heart, legumes, meat extracts, gravies, mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower and asparagus. Salt should be restricted, avoid taking yeast and soda. For these reasons, it is important for sexually active couples to avoid vaginal intercourse if one of them has a yeast infection. Avoid all sweets, limit all foods containing yeast or mold (such as cheeses, breads, sour cream) Fruits also contain a high sugar content, so limit your consumption of fruit.

Related Tags: red yeast rice, cure yeast infection, yeast infestion, vaginal yeat infection, counter yeast, avoid yeast infection

Soli Katirwww.solikatir.com/Yeast-Infection.htmlEliminate Yeast fast and for good. By browsing these sites, you will learn how to effectively and naturally cure yeast infection.

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