HOMEMADE CATFISH / CARP BAITS - - DREAM CATCHERS Amazing Predigested Fish / Shellfish Meal Extracts

by Tim F. Richardson - Date: 2007-01-24 - Word Count: 808 Share This!

* Prepare to see some of the most effective bait ingredients ever! *

Through the 1960's, work by scientists in Uruguay, stood out above all others. This was part of a global effort, to find a dietary supplement for undernourished and starving children in the third world!

Methods of enzyme controlled digestion of fish meal were being tested. The aim was to convert fish meals it into highly digestible protein concentrate, while retaining essential 'omega' oils, for good health.

Homemade carp bait makers and commercial bait manufacturers all round the world have benefited from this research ever since! This really started the 'ball rolling,' of the world wide use of preparatory predigested ingredients in carp and catfish baits.

In catfish and carp baits, such predigested extracts enhance the nutritional benefits of ingredients, at less energy cost to the fish, and massively improve the fish attracting properties of baits.

One of the greatest examples of predigested protein for bait use, apart from the fish and shellfish meal extracts is top quality casein. This has a 'possible' predigested protein value of around 96 %. Top quality 'lean' fish meal extracts have with a 'possible' predigested protein value around 96 % too.

These protein levels are among the very highest possible for use in exceptional fishing baits. These examples represent some of the very best nutritional, quality protein sources, available. Obviously, many ingredients in this category offer you the very best bait attraction, but are not necessarily cheap to purchase!

Such ingredients are at their best when combined with other protein ingredients and extracts; providing a very broad amino acid 'profile' content.

They also help to bring about optimum protein, carbohydrate and fat ratios in your bait, when combined with other quality ingredients.

For example a good ratio of food ingredients in a carp or catfish bait may be:

50 % protein: 45 % carbohydrate: 5 % fat.

More examples of exceptional predigested and protein extracts providing exceptional levels of attractive amino acids are:

* Green and blue lip mussel extract.
* Pure liver powder extract.
* Blood component extracts.
* Squid liver extract.
* Fermented shrimp extract.
* Fermented anchovy extract.
* Green crab extract.
* Squid extract.
* Lobster extract.
* Baby clam extract.
* Oyster extracts.
* Spirulina extract.
* Lobworm extract.
* Bloodworm extract.
* Fermented anchovies.
* Fermented squid.
* Fermented crab.
* Predigested liver.
* Shrimp.
* Krill.
* Scallop.
* Mussel.
* White fish meal extracts. (These are leaner and higher quality protein than most brown fish meal.)
* Predigested fish halibut pellets. (Ground up.)


* Corn steep liquor.
* Brewers malt extract.
* Sweet corn extract.
* 'Robin Red' extract.
* Yeast extract.
* Betaine hydrochloride.
* 'Mineral, vitamin and amino acid supplement compounds.

Commercial bait companies will often quote some of these ingredients as the TOP ATTRACTORS in their baits.

Many of these ingredients are prohibitively expensive to use in very effective high levels for a commercial bait manufacturer to still generate profit.

Therefore, the vast majority of commercially produced, shop-bought baits in boilie, dough or paste form, will only include minimum levels of them; and thereby vastly reducing their powerful attraction effects!

In making your own baits, you can also miss out on the maximum 'impact leverage' of these attractors, by using only moderate levels of them!

These are some of the most effective attractors I have used, producing many, many outstanding big fish catches. I tend to use them in very high levels in dough baits and paste baits. I especially use them in very powerful fish attracting free offerings. They really 'pull' the big fish into the swim.

I also use these ingredients in very high levels in 'hook 'wraps' pastes. This is where I mould paste around the hook on a 'hair rig,' and part of the boilie bait, but leave the hook point standing out proud.

I have also done extremely well by simply using these attractors in different combinations as 'raw' powders and gratings. These are dampened with attractive oils and liquid amino acids compound.

This mixture is placed inside poly vinyl alcohol ('PVA') water soluble 'bait feeding bags.' These bags are attached to the hook and cast out with the hook baits. I always feel extra confident using this great technique!

You may wish to maximize your bait attraction and make the very best extraordinarily successful baits. Well, among the list of ingredients above have proven to be some of the most effective catchers in catfish and carp fishing history!

It is definitely in your interests to put the highest possible practical levels of these kinds of ingredients in your baits. I cannot emphasize this enough. Your results will be amazing!

The author has many more fishing and bait 'edges' up his sleeve. Every single one can have a huge impact on catches. (Warning: This article is protected by copyright, but reprints with a link are OK.)

By Tim Richardson. 'The thinking angler's fishing author and expert bait making guru.'

For more expert bait making information and 'cutting edge' techniques see the expert acclaimed new ebook / book:



Related Tags: books, fish, homemade, ebooks, fishing, bait, crab, yeast, liver, protein, halibut, ingredients, corn, baits, carp, catfish, pellets, hook, shellfish, casein, rig, mussel, shrimp, bloodworm, squid, predigested, krill

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