Simple Steps To Gain Weight Through Nutrition

by Joe Mullinax - Date: 2007-01-24 - Word Count: 600 Share This!

Believe it or not just as many men come to me seeking how to gain weight as lose it. The following are the most common reasons gaining weight is so hard.

l. 99% simply do not consume enough food calories and are eating the wrong foods. It happens time after time someone will ask me how to gain weight, and my first question is "What have you eaten today", and without a doubt most will say not much or nothing yet. Folks you have to eat to fuel the body plain and simple. Most men simply do not consume sufficient amounts of protein, complex and simple carbs, fats, good dietary fiber, and they simply keep feeding on simple carbs that just won't help in weight and muscle gain.

2. Overworking the muscles is another big mistake. A very big misconception is the more I workout the more my muscles will grow. This is very much wrong as if we subject our body to stresses beyond the normal level they can take we actually do just the opposite and burn muscle due to the stress. An example is working out a different muscle group everyday. When is your body suppose to rebuild as it is in a constant state of repair. Remember this; a body will only repair or build when we get proper rest sleep following a good intense workout. Anyone wanting to gain muscle needs proper rest after a workout this includes taking a day off after a workout getting to bed with 7-9 hours a sleep at night.

3. Wrong Mindset Many fail to see that gaining muscle mass and weight goes beyond the physical. It begins with the mind, and having the right motivation and mental readiness to follow an exercise regime with adequate rest and making sure my diet is such to promote weight gain. This means getting enough protein, simple and complex carbs, and enough calories to promote the environment to gain muscle is an absolute must. We tend to be short term and want instant results unfortunately, it is unrealistic to expect optimal results in a matter of days or a couple weeks. Give yourself time gaining a couple ponds a month is good in an year you will add 24 pounds and believe me that will make a world of difference in your bodies overall tone.

Recognizing were we need to make changes in our attitudes towards your muscle and weight gaining goal is the first step. Implementing these few basic pointers you can do to get started in the right direction to gaining muscle mass.

1. Eat frequently to fuel the body by getting more calories than what your body is burning. So the first is to eat more. Try to get at least six meals a day. I have a really good breakfast for hardgainers, get some good high calorie protein bars, protein supplements or weight gain supplement and, eat foods that help to gain lean mass and not fat, such as beef, chicken, milk, vegetables, fresh fruits, peanut butter etc. Make a plan when to eat and stick to this plan be prepared.

2. When lifting weights make the workout intense for at least 3 times a week, with each time not more than 1 hour for best results. Go to the gym to workout not get into a conversation, keep your heart rate up with no more than a minute or two between exercise. I will follow up more on this latter. Follow these simple steps with proper rest, good supplements, and adequate protein and calories gaining muscle mass even in hardgainers will happen.

Related Tags: nutrition, weight gain

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