Benefits Of Proper Time Tracking

by Paul - Date: 2006-12-16 - Word Count: 308 Share This!

Have you ever written down time when you have started and finished your work? Maybe you have had multiple jobs to do and you needed to calculate multiple periods when pausing the work on one project and starting the work on another one? Of course, it is not an easy task without proper time tracking.

Lately companies used to face difficulties in managing their employee time records. This resulted in leave records of employee work hours and time off were often went missing or incomplete. With unreliable leave card information, the company spent excess resources to manually reconstruct benefits to which employees were entitled based on the time they worked. Instead of relying on leave card information, Administrators used informal methods to calculate overtime, compensatory time, and annual leave due to employees.

Companies have started looking for systems capable of supporting online enrollment and employee time tracking to enable them to manage records, payrolls effectively. Time tracking and billing application not only helps in-house employees but also freelancers manage their work and are paid for it.

Some of the benefits of a Time Tracking Software's are:
Interfaces with most Time Clock Hardware's
Email notifications and reminders
Seamless interface to accounting system
Leave balance management
Online pay stub information
Company-wide Bulletin Board
Employee Scheduling
Allows data to be exported to text files, spreadsheets
Ad hoc reporting capabilities
Available to employees and management from any Internet enabled computer
Tracking, management, and accounting of employee time on multiple projects
Saves you money
Reduces time spent by manager on nonproductive administrative task
Enables management to share time critical information
Provides audit trail of time sheet updates and changes
Eliminates lost time sheets
Restricts unauthorized project charging

The user-friendly interfaces available makes it simple for employees to report their time worked. Employees can punch in and out from their PC via an assigned user name and password.

Related Tags: benefits of proper time tracking

Online Expense Management Software Solution
Human Resource Management Software

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