Viral Marketing-Create A Buzz

by Illa Maden - Date: 2006-12-03 - Word Count: 490 Share This!

Viral marketing has been around for quite a while in one form or another. It is brand awareness. The brand could be your name, if you are trying to brand yourself, or it could be your website.

Do you own a pair of jeans? Is there a label of some kind on the back pocket? That's viral marketing in one form. That patch follows you everywhere and is seen over and over. You are a walking billboard.

Anyone who has been on the internet for a while recognizes that hotmail was a real winner in the game of viral marketing.

The idea behind viral marketing is to create something that gets passed around and creates excitement and recognition.

In the case of hotmail, it was free email that created a stir.

A more recent version of viral marketing was implemented by the Rich Jerk. His sales letter was such a departure from what we are used to seeing, and so shocking it created a major stir on the internet.

Usually, with viral marketing, a service or something free is passed around. As people become aware of a free book, report, a free service or whatever they alert their friends who alert their friends and associates and on and on.

With the Rich Jerk, news of his sales letter and it's shocking contents, was the viral product. It was the news of it's presence that was passed around, much like the old party line on the telephone. People posted comments in forums and it was picked up from there and posted to yet another forum and on and on. Who could afford to buy that kind of advertising?

If you create information products of any kind, you can create a viral marketing tool of your own. Whether your area of interest is fly tying or the best way to negotiate on the price of a new car you can create a viral tool.

Offer a free report on your website giving information or tips on a topic related to the topic of your site. Include links in it back to your website and to your newsletter. Make it clear that it is free to circulate as long as your links are left intact.

Free downloadable tools are another option. Or you could offer the free use of tools on your website. Advertise what you have to offer and make it easy for users to notify anyone they think might have a use for your tools.

If your budget is tight think about forums to get your viral marketing campaign started. Always read and observe the rules of any specific forum, they vary. Some forums allow advertising and signatures and some do not.

Pay per click could also be used to get your viral marketing campaign started. Set a strict budget in the beginning until you see what ads bring you traffic.

Be creative. The topic of your website may lend itself to a wide variety of options for a viral marketing campaign.

Related Tags: advertising, site promotion, viral marketing

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