Work At Home Data Entry Jobs Are All Scams!

by Eddy Salomon - Date: 2007-02-12 - Word Count: 597 Share This!

Every where you look you see someone advertising data entry jobs. Unfortunately because there are so many people looking for work from home data entry jobs, scam artists prey on this. After all, job seekers looking for data entry jobs are an easy mark.

I know that sounds cold but it's the truth. I speak from my own experience because data entry at home jobs was the only type of work I wanted initially too. What's not to love about this job?

Anyone that knows how to type can do data entry so it makes sense that there are so many people that want this job and its probably how you got to my article.

So do I really believe that all work at home data entry jobs are scams? Not really. I think a lot of what is out there on the web is just misrepresented.

I also believe that job seekers are not being flexible and creative when looking for data entry jobs.

The fact of the matter is you can get paid to do data entry right now with hundreds of companies in various capacities.

How can I find a data entry job?

Well here are a few ways:

Search for closed caption jobs. Closed caption typist are data entry people that type as someone is speaking on TV. Most of our televisions have a closed caption feature which allows people that are deaf to watch TV like those of us fortunate enough to hear. Who do you think is typing out the words as you are watching them? A closed caption typist. So that is one type of job to search for in Google or your job search engine. Another great and instant way to become a work at home data entry person is to become an affiliate. An affiliate is basically a contract representative of any company or website that is paid to refer others to a given company website. The company provides us with the language to use and our own website that is tied to our name so we can get credited for our efforts. So how does data entry play into this? Well your job is to go out and type ads promoting the parent company. Go to forums related to your company industry and post informative messages and include a signature with a link to your affiliate page and some catchy language. Another free method is using free online classifieds. Email your friends a good joke or article and include your affiliate link at the bottom. Doing all of this will eventually get you paid for data entry if someone clicks on your link and buys, registers for something free, or visits your parent company website. It really all depends on the affiliate program. So that is another way to do work at home data entry.

Here is another good one that is often overlooked. Become a forum poster. Forums or message boards are websites where people type about various interests with other forum participants. But the good news is that some websites will actually pay you to type about whatever you love. Just do a search in Google for Forum Posters and you will be happily surprised. What A Relief!

So yes I lied, not all work at home data entry jobs are scams. But most of the times you will run into the scams if you do conventional searches for work at home data entry. Try doing searches that are related to data entry and you will find a lot more legitimate work from home data entry job opportunities like the ones listed in this article.

Related Tags: jobs, free, home, work, data, at, from, entry, legitimate

Did you know that over 4 million people work at home? Become one of them and find legitimate work at home data entry jobs now!

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