Realtor Marketing; Reap What You Sow

by lanard perry - Date: 2007-08-18 - Word Count: 533 Share This!

Reports abound about there being too many real estate agents for too few buyers and sellers, but I still believe that no matter how crowded the field is a focused agent can succeed, with the right combination of knowledge, tools and strategies.

Not surprisingly, some of the lowest paid agents are first year agents. The median income for people who had been in the field for two years or less in 2004 was only $13,000.

Does this describe you?

If so, don't despair...yet. With a good plan you can catapult your career to another level of professionalism and financial prosperity.

One way to do so is through the gift of giving. Here's what I mean.

Giving Leads to Increased Business
An amazing thing happens when you give away stuff - it attracts people to you. And what do real estate agents need more than anything else? People.

People are leads. Without them you have no business and no potential to make money - period. So, the more you give away the more leads you'll develop.

Some agents don't give because they think that it means they have to buy something in order to give it away. But that's not necessarily so.

An alternative to buying stuff is to search the Internet for information that might be of Interest to buyers and sellers that you can turn around and give away. There is plenty of stuff to be found - you just have to have the patience to find it.

Here's a s specific idea; go online, search for article directories, and look for real estate articles that you can reprint.

You'll have to agree to leave the resource box on them when you use them showing who the authors are, but that's a fair exchange given that they've saved you the time and effort of having to write them.

Group them together as special reports for buyers, sellers and investors and find ways to give as many away as you can; via email, direct mail, advertise them by flyers that you place on cars parked in shopping centers and grocery store parking lots, etc.

I'm not talking about giving them the way you ration out cards, I'm talking about giving them away as if your career depended on it - and it does. I'm talking about giving out hundreds to thousands of them.

Create an avalanche of new business opportunities by pushing your self to find a conduit to give like you've never done before. If you have 100 hundred homes in your neighborhood give them to 100 homes. Or, if you live in an apartment complex give them to all of the residents in the complex.

The point is that there's no limit to the number of people you can give to and the manner in which you give.

Make sure to include your personal information in them when you compile them so that the recipients will know who to contact for more information.

Summarily, giving can be profitable - plus it feels good to put the knowledge you have within reach of potential prospects.

The more you give away the faster you'll create a brand for yourself that identifies to all that you're an active licensed real estate agent open for business.

So, go ahead and give, give...give your way to increased earnings.

Related Tags: real estate marketing, special reports, gift giving, realtor marketing, real estate articles

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