How Anyone Can Make Money With eBooks Part-Time

by Jeff Smith - Date: 2007-04-08 - Word Count: 593 Share This!

What happens if you have big dreams to escape your current job, break through into a new business of your own giving you more control over your life, happiness and finances but you can't seem to figure out how to make it happen when you only have a few hours each week left to devote to your online business?

It's a very common problem, and the ultimate answer is to build leverage.

Leverage is all about making your limited time work for over and over again.

A terrific example of leverage is a book or recording. You write your own book, and assuming it is in high demand, you can sell it over and over again for years without any extra effort. eBooks and book writers experience this form of leverage basing their entire business on working a few weeks, releasing a product and pulling in income for months and years into the future.

Most common are knowledge-based ebooks, courses or books that inform your readers how to accomplish something, overcome a problem, or avoid the pain in a given situation.

Some examples of topics that have been turned into very successful information-based ebooks include: weight loss, motivation, pet training, dating and relationship advice, how to use your digital camera and many, many others.

At first, you are likely to question your ability to author such information products thinking that you must be a writer or professional of some sort when in fact the vast majority of top information product publishers are far from great writers, authors or professionals.


While you needn't be a professional writer, it does help to follow these simple guidelines if you want to become an information entrepreneur:

1. Be In Front Of The Wave! Many aspiring ebook writers figure that they want to be different and that means they should enter markets where there is very little competition. It's certainly admirable to be different in terms of the content you provide and even the system you use to package your material, but your topic should be one that has lots of competition including a good deal of proof that information is selling. There are very few new markets out there, what you want to do is target a high-demand market, pull out unsolved (or under-solved) challenges and address them with your infoproduct.

2. It's Information Not Prose. We all took English in school, we've had the painful elements of writing and proper English writing drilled into us. We've also heard how some literary authors take years to release a book. Forget all of that! Your job as an information product entrepreneur is to answer questions in a way that sets you apart from your competition. Yes, you need a basic grasp of the English language, but organize your writing around answering questions will help to keep your writing focused, simple, interesting and highly desirable not to mention fast.

3. Sales Letter Outline For Your InfoProduct. This may sound strange to you, but I like to test my ebook or infoproduct outline by writing my sales letter. Effective sales letters are chalk-full of benefits and each benefit you will find links to a question and answer that you use in your book. By listing 30-40 benefits of reading your future ebook, you will not only have a very effective sales letter, you will have a great outline for your infoproduct.

The more demand that underlies your ebook, the more sales you will make and the more leverage you will build into your online business enabling you to earn a full-time income from part-time effort.

Related Tags: internet marketing, create ebook, write ebook, infoproduct, write a book, write and ebook

Be sure to read Part 2 of this article which contains the last 3 critical steps to making a full-time income from publishing and marketing your own information products. "Click Here To Grab Part #2 -

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