Law, Comparing The European And American Animal Cruelty Laws

by NET BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL - Date: 2008-06-30 - Word Count: 371 Share This!

Animal rights groups are doing everything they can to make sure that animal cruelty laws are in effect all over the world. No longer can animals be used to see how a weapon might treat the flesh of a human or how a human will survive a crash in an automobile.

Today's laws are strict on a variety of animal rights issues, including transporting and even slaughtering. Domestic, farm and zoo animals are protected in a variety of ways around the globe from being treated inhumanely.

Unlike the United States, Europe has a union of fifteen nations that has established certain animal cruelty laws. These laws can include jail time for the human perpetrator if an animal is hurt, abused, neglected, or if an illegal puppy mill is found in operation.

One of the most stringent laws in their treaty is that no one shall abandon a companion animal. This can carry severe consequences. The United States has left the governing of the animal laws up to the individual states; therefore, the punishments vary greatly from state to state.

Farm animals are also covered by the animal laws that the European Union has set forth. When it comes to farm animals, the transport and slaughter of these animals in the EU is much more progressive and stricter than in the United States. They rarely have issues, whereas the US is consistently in the news for unethical treatment of a variety of animals waiting for slaughter.

Animal cruelty laws exist in the world to protect the animals. The countries of the European Union understand that animals are not property and therefore, their laws are more extensive. The United States, on the other hand, is still coping with this issue because animals are viewed as property and not living creatures.

The world has changed since the 1800s, and the time for the US laws to catch up is now, not tomorrow. People must take a stand in the fight for the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Mike Selvon has a passion for animal care, and his portal answers your common questions about the animal cruelty laws. Visit his portal for your free gift and leave a comment at his humane society blog.

Related Tags: animals, humane society, animal cruelty laws, the animal cruelty laws of eu versus us

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