The Internet Truth Nothing But The Truth Here

by Phil Brown - Date: 2007-09-20 - Word Count: 551 Share This!

Having the additional benefit of a coach or mentor to lead you through the vast Internet Marketing jungle can mean the difference between ending up caught in Internet quicksand or finding the success as the next Indiana Jones of Internet Marketing.

September 18, 2007 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Phil Brown, Internet Marketing Coach and Mentor, has spent years researching the plethora of people who claim to be the next ‘must-have program' for making money online. He has seen some of them succeed; sadly, he has seen more fail. He is now offering his coach/mentor services to others so that they might learn from his Internet wisdom.

"The Internet a never-ending stream of sites with hollow promises and very tenacious follow-up software," says Mr. Brown of the current Internet ‘get rich quick' market. "These sites cannot produce what they promise, frustrating their investors and leaving people out in the cold. Often, after the money for the Internet Marketing program is paid, there is no help in sight when people hit a rough patch or become lost. The program loses its appeal when the customer support falls through."

Phil Brown's intent to provide clients with backup by offering to mentor them through the confusing process of Internet marketing may seem incredible. However, he really does care about the success of his followers. After spending years on the Web researching the hoaxes, he has this to say, "Surprisingly enough, I did find a program that I do endorse. It's called the Perfect Wealth Formula." No more scams, phony promises, and sham up-front costs. This program ensures your success through the use of a coach/mentor program to light your way."

The Perfect Wealth Formula provides intensive, one-on-one counseling for people who are ready to take the critical steps needed to move toward greater personal satisfaction and increased financial reward. Its main, crucial tenet is its most magical: "Tell The Truth, Don't Be Greedy And Help People."

Phil Brown's commitment to helping people succeed can help the Perfect Wealth Formula's followers by giving them the necessary assistance they need in the critical period (those scary, first steps). Read about his experiences and invitation to join at and judge for yourself whether the program is right for you. The coach/mentor factor should impress you, as this is a relatively new objective and, while other people may be signing up for Internet Marketing schemes in droves, they will not have the promise of experienced assistance to get the program into full swing.

Making money on the Internet has just been guaranteed. To ensure you have the right tools and team surrounding you, visit and judge for yourself. Be the Indiana Jones of the crowd - and don't become a morsel for one of many snakes.

Press Contact:
Phillip Brown, Internet Marketer, Coach and Mentor
Toll Free Telephone - (800) 990 - 2024
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Mr. Phil Brown has been an Internet Marketing Coach and Mentor for over 10 years. He began his quest to help people in Internet Marketing after spending years operating his own businesses. He has studied the Internet from its inception and Mr. Brown even remembers an Internet without search engines. An avid investigator of scams and frauds, Mr. Brown uses his studies to help coach and mentor the vulnerable into tip-top marketing shape. Many successful marketers have him to thank for their triumphs.

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