Babysitter Today - Highly Paid Nanny Tomorrow?

by Richard C Myers - Date: 2006-12-05 - Word Count: 479 Share This!

Lots of people babysit - some for the money and some because they love children. For a few, it can be the first step on the ladder to a highly lucrative career as a nanny. Good nannies are constantly in high demand and their earning potential is huge.

CEO's are desperate for decent childcare

Having problems with childcare causes stress to millions of families - whatever their income. Everyone would love to find the dream nanny and few do. A child-care meltdown happens to most people at one time or another. CEO's may be high fliers but they are as prone to child care disasters as everyone else. In their desperation many CEO's are offering salaries in the region of $100,000 - more than some people with law degrees get!

Why Are They Paying So Much?

CEO's are highly paid because they are under a huge amount of pressure to deliver at work. Having a reliable, sensible nanny takes an enormous amount of worry out of their daily equation. Sudden business trips often arise and knowing that your children are in safe hands is worth a big salary.

CEO's spend more on childcare because they understand the associated legal and tax issues. They are also generally great to work for as they don't want to risk a law suit for having their nanny in a 'harsh work environment'.

How Does Someone Become A High-End Nanny?

Employers are more than willing to pay extra for someone with a degree in education, nursing or child psychology. In fact, many nanny agencies are now actively recruiting at colleges that major in child psychology, education and development. Most start on a salary of around $30,000 but can more than double that in a couple of years.

Personal Preference
Some employers like their nanny to have experience and to have been on some kind of training course. Others don't mind so much and like the nanny to do things their way anyway. Some nanny agencies offer training

Common Sense is priceless!

Just being willing to show initiative is impressive. For instance, being prepared to take the car in for service, pick up dry cleaning and generally keep everything 'ticking over' - is seen as a desirable quality in a nanny. Other easily acquired skills, such as having a swimming certification, knowing CPR and knowing the latest childcare recommendations all look good on the CV.

A nanny is employed to make life easier for the parents of the family - so long hours (often around 60 hours a week) and working holidays are to be expected.

What Other Benefits Are There?

The homes that high-end nannies work in are usually 'dream' homes.
The food is commonly gourmet standard.
A nanny will often be given a car as part of the payment package.
Pay is often tax-free.
Foreign trips are standard. The nanny is still working but will enjoy first-class travel and often visits to expensive restaurants, museums, amusement parks and mind-blowing shopping trips.

Related Tags: money, children, career, childcare, sitter, parent, baby, babysitter, babysit, nanny

If this sounds like a dream career to you - take the first step to making that dream come true. Visit for free tips, babysitting advice and how to claim a first aid book and babysitters handbook.

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