Chromium Supplements Help Improve Diabetes

by Bill Schuchman - Date: 2006-12-02 - Word Count: 311 Share This!

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that aids in glucose metabolism, regulation of insulin levels, and maintenance of healthy blood levels of cholesterol and other lipids. The positive effects of Chromium on insulin have been known for almost 50 years. Chromium doesn't produce more insulin in the body; it makes the insulin you have work better.

Over the years there have been many well controlled clinical trials looking at the effects of Chromium supplements on patients with diabetes. These trials have shown that taking Chromium supplements showed a reduction in blood sugar, insulin and cholesterol. For individuals with high blood sugar levels, chromium may enhance insulin utilization and increase the number and activity of insulin receptors in the body.

Another benefit of Chromium supplements was to increase muscle mass and decrease fat in overweight people. In a study 122 subjects were given either a Chromium supplement or a placebo. There diets and exercise program were monitored and controlled. After 90 days the subjects that were given the Chromium lost and average of 17.1 pounds compared to 3.9 pounds for the placebo group.

Benefits of taking Chromium supplements include:

Lowers blood sugar

Increases insulin sensitivity

Reduces cholesterol levels

Reduces body fat

Controls hunger and suppresses appetite

Reduces triglyceride levels

Increases muscle mass

Chromium deficiencies are common in this country because of the high consumption of sugars and grains. Sugar and grains deplete the chromium reserves in the body. Chromium reserves also tend to decline with age.

I should point out that there have been some studies that indicate that Chromium deficiencies might not be as prevalent as once thought. More studies are needed to answer this question.

Overall the good news for diabetics is that Chromium can help with your disease.

Before you take any supplement you must discuss your plans with your doctor because supplements can interact with certain medications. Blood sugar levels must be closely monitored and modifications in your medications may be required.

Related Tags: diabetes, type 2 diabetes, self-help, chromium

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