Top 6 Woodwork Plans You Should Make Time For During Vacation

by Peter Dobler - Date: 2007-02-28 - Word Count: 559 Share This!

Woodwork enthusiasts enjoying a rare break from work or school should make productive and entertaining use of their free time by starting out a woodwork plan that they generally don't consider due to lack of time. Since you now have a considerable amount of vacation time to look forward to, use some of it to accomplish a particular woodwork plan that challenges your woodwork knowledge and skills.

Top Six Ideal Woodwork Plans for Vacation

Woodwork Plans for Adirondack Furniture - Tables, chairs, stools, and other patio furniture that belong to this category are characterized by its intricate details and its great need for precision. If you intend to accomplish a woodwork plan for Adirondack future, do expect to spend longer time than usual in completing this project. Make sure that you follow instructions carefully and completely for this particular woodwork plan to come into being perfectly.

Woodwork Plans for Birdhouses - Birdhouses are always a great addition to anyone's garden or yard at any time of the year. If it's migrating season for birds, you can simply use your birdhouse as an ornament at your place.

As there are various types of birdhouse woodwork plans available in the Internet, make sure that you choose one which also fits the overall design of your garden or yard. If you don't find anything to your liking, consider making adjustments and modifications until you end up with something ideal. Make sure of course that you use durable wood for your birdhouse because it generally has great exposure to all elements of nature and can therefore be prone to damage.

Woodwork Plans for Doghouses - For your beloved pet's birthday or Christmas gift, why not give him a labor of love in the form of a new and better doghouse? If you don't find any woodwork plan that's ideal for your dog's size and breed, just make the necessary adjustments regarding the doghouse's width, length, and height. Take into consideration any particular habits your dog may have as well and which of these you can accommodate by incorporating them with the woodwork plan.

Woodwork Plans for Wine Racks - Begin the much - needed makeover for your wine cellar at the basement by finding a woodwork plan to replace your ancient and presently rotting wine rack.

When searching for woodwork plans for wine racks, consider the number of bottles you typically store in a year, the size of these bottles, and the amount of space you're working with. If you'll be installing the wine cellar at your basement, consider using laminated wood to make it more resistant to moisture damage.

Woodwork Plans for Foldable Picnic Tables - Building anything foldable is always a challenge to woodwork enthusiasts because of the amount of hard work and careful calculations it require. Besides making sure that you place everything correctly, you also need to ensure that the object will fold and unfold in relative ease.

When selecting a woodwork plan for a foldable picnic table, consider how many in average would be using the table together, their respective sizes and girth, and the type of wood you'll use.

Woodwork Plans for Cabinets - Lastly, you can use your vacation time to build yourself a cabinet to store clothes, objects, and other possessions that are right now cluttering your home. To properly stimulate your mind, however, consider making wooden cabinets that make use of more detail and curves.

Have fun working on these woodwork plans!

Related Tags: wood, wine racks, cabinets, woodworking, woodwork plans, picnic table, laminated wood

Peter Dobler is a veteran in the IT business. His passion for experimenting with new internet marketing strategies leads him to explore new niche markets. Read more about his experience with woodworking; visit

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