No-Fail Solutions For Solving The Top 5 Dog Behavior Problems
Dog barks as its way of communication to the world. Your dog may bark to seek attention from you or as a warning when it senses non-pack members intruding its territory.
However excessive barking can irritate and cause both children and adults to shy away from your beloved canine. Therefore, training your dog not to bark is of utmost importance. Do ignore your dog when he/she goes into a barking fit for no apparent reason as any attention will reinforce the behavior. Praise your dog when he becomes quiet. Do use a squirt gun to spray water on your dog if excessive barking persists. This is to disrupt its behavior and your dog will associate barking as an unpleasant experience. Do praise and reward your dog immediately after it stops barking and not ten minutes after. Your dog will not understand the reason for the discipline. Do use an anti bark collar for further training whenever you are not around and your dog is not fully train yet so as to be thoughtful to thy neighbors.
How To Overcome Aggressive Behavior In Your Dog:
Dogs are social animals and not naturally aggressive. The cause for a dog that is aggressive is usually due to an ignorant or aggressive owner who cultivates this behavior through wrong training methods or abuse.
If your dog shows traits of aggressiveness, correction training must be implemented as soon as possible to prevent and curb your dog aggressive behavior. Do socialize your dog frequently with as many people as possible. Dogs that are constantly chained or enclosed will increase the fear and anxiety of your dog thereby leading to more aggressiveness. Do watch out for negative actions from other dogs (violent barking and physical attacks) that might further influence your dog. Do play and exercise your dog regularly as a happy and contented dog is less likely to be aggressive. Do use only firm voice command to correct any misbehavior and not physical correction. Do practice and establish alpha leadership training with your aggressive dog so that it can have the proper guidance and understanding who the head of the pack is. Do consult your vet if aggressive behavior is unusual. Your dog might have a health problem.
How to Discourage Your Dog Jumping Behavior:
Why do dogs jump? Jumping occurs mainly when the dog is excited by your homecoming, or visits by friends it considers as part of the family pack. It is their way of greeting.
Dogs also jump because they were never probably train before and it has always resulted in increased attention.
While small toy dogs will not pose too big a problem, bigger dogs may frighten and overpower a child or adult, causing injury. Therefore, a dog with a jumping habit should be discouraged and properly corrected. Do discourage your dog by not patting him when he jumps on you during homecoming. Instead fold both your arms and look away till he calms down. Do raise one of your knees and give a stern "Down" command if there is persistent jumping. As a reflex action, your dog will usually stop and back away. Do learn to teach your dog the basic "Sit", "Stay" and "Down" command to address the problem. Do be consistent, repeating the process and praising your dog when he no longer jumps.
How To Deal With Your Dog Chewing Fetish?
What can you do when your dog has an oral fixation and chew on things that he/she shouldn't be chewing on? Do use bitter spray and apply them to objects such as your shoe to deter your dog from chewing on things he shouldn't be chewing or biting on. Do crate train your dog if your dog has a habit to chew up items in the house while you are out.
How To Deal With Your Dog Biting and Nipping Behavior Problem:
Puppies and dogs bite and nip for a variety of reasons especially so during exploration and play. Puppy also tends to bite when they are teething. Adult dogs might nip when they are excited or bite when they are threatened. Do encourage and reward your dog when it bites the right object; discourage by simply saying a firm "No" and replace the object with the correct toy or training equipment. Do use the "Time Out" method to discourage your dog from nipping or biting; call out a "No" firmly and walk out of a room with the door close for 30 seconds to help your dog understand your expectances for undesirable bites. Do have your dog muzzled in crowded places if necessary and allowed for more human contact for further training. This also helps to subdue dogs that have a tendency to bite and nip frequently.
Related Tags: dog training, aggressive behavior, dog behavior problems, barking, jumping, chewing, biting, nipping
James Lee is a dog lover who has benefited from the SitStayFetch book. For more information, please visit:
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