Domain Name Registration: Choosing the Right One for Your Company

by Jim Adamek - Date: 2006-12-24 - Word Count: 338 Share This!

"How should I choose a domain name for my property management company?" That question can make your head spin if you don't understand all the factors involved in choosing a domain name. Here's a short list that will help you weigh your options for domain name registration.

Is the domain name short enough to use for classified ads?

Will people identify the domain name with your company?

Will people remember your domain name?

Does your domain name contain any keywords?

Do I already own a domain name?

All the factors above are important, but some carry more weight than others. We'll start with one that carries the most weight in terms of the PageRank™ assigned to your domain name by Google. If you already own a domain name that has been used on a website for 2 or more years, you should keep using it. Google ranks older websites with a higher page rank. They figure you have been around longer and have a proven track record. The higher page rank you receive, the higher you will appear in search results. It is that simple.

Does your domain name contain any keywords? It can make a difference when you incorporate words in your domain name such as your town or area and words like "apartment, rent, or rentals." Search engines do take into consideration the keywords in a domain name when returning web content for a search phrase entered by a renter or property owner.

Your domain name should be used in the classified ads that you run in your local newspaper. You can save a significant amount of money by listing a portion of your rentals in the newspaper and then having your complete list of available rentals online for viewing. Do you like the way your domain name works with your classified ads? Will people identify the name with your company? Will people remember it?

To find out what domain names are available, go to a company like Dotster and enter the domain names you are interested in to see if they are available.

Related Tags: rental, management, domain, name, property management, registration

Jim is a web developer and programmer who works with his wife, Cari, in their full service small business web development company. We invite you to take a look at our portfolio of property management web sites and other web applications that we have developed. We specialize in serving property management companies that want to market and manage their rental listings online.

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